Pumpkin Soup can be horribly bland and taste cloying in your mouth. This Thai Style Spicy Pumpkin Soup is the opposite. Creamy, full of flavour and with...
This Creamy and Delicious Chicken Lemon Orzo Soup is an authentic greek recipe that thickens the soup using egg yolks as it is traditionally made. We make...
This Slow Cooker Thai Chicken Soup is loaded with creamy coconut milk, peanut butter, red curry paste, chicken, and veggies: onion, carrots, bell pepper,...
Rich, creamy, and full of wonderful seafood flavor, Oyster Stew is easy to make and comes together quickly. It's perfect for a special holiday dinner...
This Hatch Chile Chicken Corn Chowder is silky, smoky, and hearty. It pops with a little heat from the chile, a little sweet from the corn, and smooth...
Cold and refreshing, cucumber soup is a great recipe for a hot summer day and couldn't be easier to prepare. It takes only 10 minutes from start to finish...
The pressure cooker makes short work of pea soup, cooking the dried peas in half the time it would traditionally take and doing all the work of the blender...
This pumpkin soup recipe is creamy AND healthy! It calls for roasted pumpkin for maximum flavor. This roasted pumpkin soup recipe would look lovely on...
Bowl - check, spoon - check, total comfort food that is going to make your tummy happy - check! This incredibly hearty, satisfying, and oh-so-delicious...
This creamy roasted garlic cauliflower soup is low in fat and carbs but packed with flavour and nutrition. Once the garlic is roasted, it can be ready...
Stracciatella (sometimes called Italian egg drop soup) is a light and nourishing soup made with chicken stock, egg, Parmesan cheese, and ribbons of freshly...
Recipe video above. This is a recipe for a Pearl Barley Soup filled with lots of vegetables that's clean, nutritious and (yet!) oh-so-tasty. The chewy,...
An easy recipe for Butternut Squash Soup with coconut milk, and Thai curry flavors prepared in Instant Pot for a speedy fix for chili night dinner. Refrigerate...
These Indian soup recipes will kick off your meal with a bang! From broth-based soups to creamy soups to soups full of spice, get a true taste of India...
This classic corn and crab chowder will warm you through and through, even on the bitterest of winter days. It's even better when you grill the corn...
You can make fish stock out of any fish or shellfish, although my fish stock recipe is considerably different from the stock I make with crabs and lobsters....
The key to this Roasted Poblano Soup is getting creative with the garnish. Crema, cilantro stems, and a dash of acidity will turn it into something otherworldly....
Instant Pot Lentil Soup - an easy, healthy recipe for French lentil soup made in the electric pressure cooker. So simple, hearty, and delicious! Gluten...
Hearty Ham and Bean Soup, perfect for cold winter days! White beans, ham shanks, onions, celery, carrots, garlic, Tabasco, and herbs make this delicious...