These roasted chickpeas make such a delicious and healthy snack! They're perfectly seasoned, a bit spicy, and super easy to prepare. They're perfect for...
Throw the perfect chocolate shake together with three simple ingredients. Creamy, nutrient dense, and decadent, you're sure to make it over and over...
This easy Applesauce Bread recipe is healthier than most quick breads and is so moist and flavorful from the unsweetened applesauce, Greek yogurt, and...
These baked oatmeal muffins are reminiscent of the brown sugar and cinnamon oatmeal your mom made on the stove top in a single serving, easy-to-reheat...
This Cheese Ball is a holiday must ever year! It's incredibly easy to make and it only requires a few simple ingredients. It has a deliciously creamy texture,...
Make these easy date & walnut flapjacks for elevenses, or when you need a pick-me-up. Plant-based and vegan, they're ideal for anyone following a dairy-free...
Grab some Granny Smith (or other tart) apples and make this easy iron skillet apple cake. This is a rustic, lumpy, imperfect cake-which is my favorite...
Quick 45 Minute Cinnamon Rolls is made with homemade dough, filled with ground cinnamon and a brown sugar mixture rolled and baked in less than an hour....
Mititei or Mici are little sausages without any casings made with ground meat and spices, and are usually served with lots of mustard, bread and a cold...