Deborah Harroun from tasteandtellblog shares a way to change up your side dish. Bored of your normal beans and rice? This rice will make your tastebuds...
Wondering how to make 7 layer dip? You're in the right place. Please any crowd with this beautifully colorful, amazingly flavorful Mexican 7 layer dip....
Flauta, meaning "flute," is a Mexican dish made from a rolled-up tortilla that's often filled with a choice of meat or poultry and deep-fried. Luckily,...
Gooey, cheesy goodness, along with a hearty mixture of sautéed chicken and onions, are packed inside a golden brown, crispy quesadilla, topped with a...
This Mexican Buffalo Chicken Dip is sure to score points at your next game-day celebration! Full of refried beans, celery, chicken and that oh-so-tasty...
If you want a fast and easy appetizer that feeds a crowd these Chicken Enchilada Roll Ups are for you. Chill the rolls until ready to serve and then slice...
Looking for a tasty Mexican dinner using Kidney Beans and Old El Paso® Thick 'n Chunky salsa? Then check out this great pasta veggie salad - ready in...
Go ahead and rock the bowl-the taco bowl, that is-with these rainbow-studded treats! Refreshing and perfectly sweet, this dessert is sure to please. A...
This celebration of South-of-the-Border flavors, with shredded rotisserie chicken, cheese, cilantro, and chunky salsa sandwiched between flour tortillas,...
If you love Mexican street corn, you'll love this incredibly easy elote dip. Seasoned with Old El Paso Taco Seasoning Mix, this tasty street corn dip is...