A mixture of olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and garlic makes for a very flavorful grilled eggplant. It's an easy recipe - mix the simple marinade, brush...
These green beans and potatoes are a spectacular dish. I have been making them for years in large quantities for special events at my church. The smoked...
A light yet flavorful quinoa dish that goes great with fish or chicken! I invented it on-the-fly one day when I couldn't find quite what I was looking...
Roasted shallots and fresh thyme give these potatoes an added depth of flavor. Preparation time is 20 minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles...
I like how this tastes, but scoring the squash with a knife before baking really makes for a great presentation. It also allows the simple but delicious...
Sweet and spicy; and the juice makes an excellent marinade for pickled eggs. This recipe is great with freshly cooked beets instead of canned, if you have...
Homemade Cinnamon Raisin Bread is easy to make and the ultimate in fast comfort food. The flavors and aroma as it bakes are like being wrapped in a warm...
A 24 hour marinade, guaranteed to please every time. Chicken or turkey is always moist, and tender. Use half of a recipe for a chicken, or the full recipe...
Warming Indian spices kick up cabbage a few notches for a quick, easy, and healthy side dish. I like to serve this with garlic naan bread, placing a bit...
This is an easy onion jam that is incredibly versatile. It enhances anything from rice or barley dishes to spreading on a piece of bread. Great accompaniment...
The best, quickest, perfectly soft, caramelized sweet potatoes in under 30 minutes. This recipe is allergy friendly: vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free....
I noticed that most (all?) the pizza sauce recipes call for either tomato paste or tomato sauce or both. I wanted to do it from scratch! So I experimented...
This sauce tastes best when slow cooked on low. I don't know the exact measurements for spices -- it's a use your own taste type. I mix up the ingredients...
Hawaiian Mac Salad is a staple in a Hawaiian plate lunch. This classic side dish features elbow macaroni smothered in a mayonnaise dressing with grated...
This roasted asparagus recipe is a fast, healthy and easy side dish that goes with just about anything on your dinner table and is great for meal prep...
An intensely fragrant syrup that combines citrus, floral, and woody notes into a flavor-booster for cocktails, mocktails, and sorbets. Your kitchen is...
Fried green tomatoes are about as southern as you can get, comfort food at its best. An air fryer will allow you to put a healthier, but still totally...
This grilled potato recipe is so moist and delicious. It goes great with any meal or on its own, but my favorite is with steak. The cheese tops it off...
I couldn't believe it when I saw your request Billie. This is a recipe my mom used to make many years ago. She usually served it with ham or roasted chicken....
Cheesy Ham Broccoli Casserole with eggs, a healthy, low carb recipe for a delicious brunch. It's light, but filling, jam-packed with fantastic flavours,...
These baked beans made in the slow cooker are slightly sweet and tangy, with a smoky, meaty flavor that everyone will love. The best part? They're very...