This is a recipe that has been enjoyed by my family for many years. The combination of shrimp and oysters mixed with the flavor of bacon is unique and...
Crunchy, sweet, and spicy! Simply pan-fry the shrimp and mix with a mildly spicy sauce. When you put them together, tastes like restaurant quality in your...
A hearty and healthy recipe passed down from my mother-in-law. This is truly a simple dish that requires no expertise. However, you will be the talk of...
These shrimp fajitas take on a different technique as they don't use a typical liquid marinade, and are air fried. You can use your preferred fajita seasoning...
This is a very elegant dish good for a nice simple meal. Tasty and pretty enough for company, but my husband and I enjoy it as a nice weekend meal. The...
Juicy shrimp tossed with a simple marinade of onions, capers, lemon juice, and Worcestershire sauce does the work overnight, so when guests arrive, just...
Treat yourself to the Popcorn Shrimp Salad Sandwiches Recipe, a mix of crunchy shrimp and sweet flavors gives this hoagie thumbs up all around. Head over...