This risotto incorporates shrimp, shallots, and Cajun seasoning. You'll have a terrific side dish or a light main course in a short time thanks to your...
This Louisiana Shrimp Creole recipe has a rich and savory tomato sauce, with just the right amount of spice, to make it truly irresistible! Serve it over...
Serve over rice or pasta, or plain as appetizer. Lucille's Bloody Mary Mix® is a dry spice used for cooking or added to tomato juice to create a Bloody...
This recipe was inspired by my husband. He is Mexican so he has taught me to play with different flavors and ingredients, though the recipe idea came from...
This is a nice change from regular old pasta with tomato sauce. You can serve a large portion as a main dish, or I've even used this as my 'salad' at dinner...
My mom and co-workers love when I make this and share. You can make as much or as little as you want and add or reduce ingredients as you see fit for your...
This is the delicious savory cake served in dim sum houses throughout the year and, most auspiciously, on New Year's Day as a symbol of prosperity and...
I developed this recipe because I love sweet and spicy, and I love shrimp. I serve this at every party I host and have learned to have copies of the recipe...
This shrimp scampi recipe varies from the typical one as there are sun dried tomatoes in the recipe. This is like eye candy when presented in a warmed...
Refreshing and citrusy! Preparation Time: 20 minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles and recipes by Robyn Webb, courtesy of the American...
Succulent sauteed shrimp in a mildly spicy garlic-lemon-herb sauce that will have you adding it to your list of staples. Serve immediately over rice or...