Garlic butter, prepared in the microwave, is the secret to this easily and quickly prepared dish. This recipe is really great whether you are having dinner...
This is a quick and easy shrimp kabob recipe, perfect for beginners. Requires minimal ingredients, but is bursting with flavor. Serve over a bed of rice...
Tomatoes and shrimp cooked up with garlic and onions - this Gulf Coast tradition will have you dreaming of the bayou. This recipe can either be a main...
Quick and easy to make, this is a hit for a dinner party or just a quick family dinner. Already cooked salad shrimp works great! I also occasionally substitute...
This is a great easy prawn marinade, they are great on the BBQ, we put them out as appetizers but they can also be a main course. I've also sauteed them...
This grilled garlic and herb shrimp recipe is very easy, IF you can just walk out into the backyard, and pick a handful of your own fresh, green sprigs....
This is the dramatic seafood paella that looks stunning, with crustaceans and shellfish. You can vary the quantities of seafood and also use crab, crayfish,...
This is a healthy, hearty, yet elegant recipe that is good enough for guests. It is also very easy and can be made with little notice. With low-carb pasta...
Before I knew much about food or dining out, I knew that if they brought shrimp cocktails to the table as an appetizer, we were eating at a 'fancy' restaurant....
I first tried something similar to this in San Antonio and could never find a recipe that really recaptured what I had there. I experimented and finally...
This is a very elegant dish good for a nice simple meal. Tasty and pretty enough for company, but my husband and I enjoy it as a nice weekend meal. The...
While it may sound like a plain, generic item you see on a menu at the food court at the mall, honey-garlic shrimp is actually one of the most exciting...
This is a recipe for shrimp with a seasoned bread stuffing. I love to serve this dish when I have guests for dinner because I can prepare the shrimp early...
Dinner can be on the table in just 20 minutes with this easy shrimp dish. Sweet shrimp, a hint of heat from the Cajun seasoning and red pepper flakes,...
This is Authentic Mexican Ceviche, I've had it several times in Mexico, and also have learned to cook Mexican food for my husband. Every time I make this...
Delicious crispy shrimp coated in a bread crumb-Parmesan mixture. My family can't get enough of it! I would suggest doubling the recipe if you have very...
This is a recipe I just kind of fooled around with and made up. When I first tasted it I was proud! I felt like I was eating a meal from a gourmet Italian...
Delicious spicy marinated shrimp. Easy on indoor or outdoor grill. I serve this with yellow rice and/or baked potatoes. I also put an extra shot of hot...
This is a great, simple and fast way to cook shrimp that can go with anything! I've served it over linguine, with orzo and cream sauce, accompanying a...
A very simple and easy marinade that makes your shrimp so yummy you don't even need cocktail sauce! Don't let the cayenne pepper scare you, you don't even...
Easy, foolproof cooking technique. The Old Bay® seasoning accentuates the shrimp rather than overpowers. A versatile dish that can fill many roles! Serve...
A dish my mother made for special occasions. According to some sources, shrimp de jonghe was invented at the turn of the 20th century by the De Jonghe...
My mother gave this recipe to me and it is great for an impressive dinner party. Fresh shrimp in a wonderful creamy coconut curry sauce served over rice....