This recipe is a favorite in our house. Using the puff pastry makes it very quick and easy to prepare. I also use pie pastry when I don't have puff pastry...
A great way to make a different meal of left overs. Be it breakfast, brunch or supper. Serve with a glass of wine crisp fresh bread and a salad for a beautiful...
From the kitchen of Leanne Ely author of "Saving Dinner." Measurements are approximate and cooking time and servings depends on the size of your muffin...
This recipe is likely from a magazine ad as it contains a Bicks product. It has been copied in my book for a few years. It is a nice meatless meal.I serve...
This was a recipe that I learned from a neighbor in Ohio. There are other recipes out there like this one, but this is the easiest one I've found, and...
This recipe is from the Pampas Pastry website. It passes the Susan test for a five star recipe - easy, delicious and looks good too! These pies freeze...
If you love creamy New England style clam chowder, you will love this recipe. It works best with my mother's homemade pie crust recipe, but I sometimes...
This is such a simple recipe w/ just a few ingredients I almost always have on hand. It's a quick dinner w/ a green salad. You can double this easily for...
As we all know, this is one of the greatest lunch or brunch dishes ever invented. Prepare in advance, freeze, and bake when needed. This is one of the...
Tourtière is a French Canadian meat pie which is traditionally served at Christmas. It may be made from pork, beef or a combination of meats sometimes...
This is a truly delicious and easy vegetarian quiche that my family love. Its so simple to whip up on a weeknight and even though it has no meat is substantial...
Mom always made this for our birthday's since it was everyone's favorite dinner. Like Emeril, our heritage is French Canadian, and after testing both his...
A delicious recipe for a shrimp quiche. It is a great quiche that isn't too eggy, I have only made it with shrimp but I can only imagine how good it is...
This recipe came from "The Can Opener Gourmet" by Laura Karr. I've made it with shrimp or crabmeat & both are delicious. There are a number of easy recipes...
This goes with Recipe #230311 and makes the most outstanding pastry crust ever! Lard is the preferred "shortening" and closest to the "original" recipe....
This is a yummy meat pie often enjoyed in Greece. Of course, every household has their own version - this one's mine. The mushrooms are not traditional...
This is my husband's all time favorite. It is a Pennsylvania Dutch treat that his mother showed me how to make and his eyes light up every time I make...
This is a traditional English pub style recipe. I can make this anywhere in the world and it will evoke memories of pub lunches! This is no way a diet...
Received this recently from a friend and this will be my new recipe for this type dish.I made it for breakfast this morning and it is a keeper. While I...
This is my favorite pot pie to use up those holiday leftovers. I tend to make more stuffing and gravy then I need for the meal so that I can use up the...
I had a pie crust to use and some black beans, so came up with this recipe. Be sure to use the Mexican style fresh chorizo, not the Spanish smoked & cured...
In my quest to find out what makes a quiche fluffy, I've cobbled together this recipe. And it makes a great tasting quiche with a beautiful presentation....
This chicken pot pie gets rave reviews from family and friends every time, and it is so easy. It is simple home cooking, but my friends always ask for...
This is old-fashioned, from scratch, comfort food. This has been a family favorite for years. I like to take this to other families when they are in need...
This is a dish we had a lot growing up. Mum would use potato chips for a crunchy topping, but I hardly ever have those in the house. It is relatively quick,...
A traditional German recipe that may be an acquired taste for some. This is similar to a quiche, but less eggy. If you can't find bacon you can dice, I...
This is my Memere's tourtiere recipe, tweaked a bit, but don't tell her that. One does not mess with a French woman's meat pie recipe, lol. All the men...
A great way to use fish in the winter months, hearty and delicious. I use whatever fish is on sale or a large can of tuna (canned crabmeat works too)....
Cottage pie, like its opposite lamb number, Shepherd's pie, was the ingenious idea of housewives many years ago, in order to create another warm and comforting...
This is from our Church cookbook, it's very simple and so yummy! Something different when you don't know what to do with ground beef. Serve it with mashed...
Bubbly warm goodness under a crispy crust. Another one dish wonder from Ina. House Beautiful Magazine, September 2009 edition. I have tasted Ina Garten's...
All of the other recipes here for Cheeseburger Quiche were low-carb, crustless versions, which was not what I was after, since I had a pie crust to use....