This recipe for salmon is so simple and delicious, it's crazy! This is great for any weeknight dinner, yet will impress your guests, as well. Serve with...
This lemon pasta is a wonderful family recipe and a great way to use up leftover salmon. Simple and delicious. Serve with a green salad and fresh Italian...
A delicious, healthy lemon-garlic marinade for salmon with cilantro and red chili flakes. Marinate at least 6 hours. Broil in the oven or grill 7 to 8...
This savory dinner is restaurant-worthy, but can be prepped and cooked in under 30 minutes! If you are not a fan of fish, you can substitute thinly sliced...
This salmon is so easy, you won't believe how delicious it is. I serve it with rice prepared with chicken broth and a little onion instead of plain water...
Poaching is a great way to bring out the delicate flavor of whole fish. A poacher will use less liquid than a pan, but either works. This whole poached...
These smoked salmon sandwiches are simple enough for even the most inexperienced cook, yet delicious and elegant enough to be served to a special someone....
Roasting salmon low and slow yields fish that stays moist and tender even when served chilled. A raw green bean salad is a perfect crunchy accompaniment;...
We've made this delectable and super simple salmon dip even easier by using smoked salmon in place of the more classic poached fish. A combination of whipped...
This simple recipe calls for pasta mixed with Alfredo sauce and baked salmon. Family members top their own pasta serving with as much Parmesan cheese as...
Adding an entire lemon-skin, pith, and flesh-to the sauce provides brightness and texture. Any bitterness from the pith will be offset by the sesame oil...
Parmesan and thyme make this Baby savory, which makes it perfect to eat alongside eggs. But the real beauty of this recipe is that the batter can be made...
This is a grilled salmon recipe that is used at the Saint Matthew Parish picnic every year in Seattle, Washington. It works well with any cut of salmon...
Only three ingredients provide moist salmon fillets bursting with flavor! Wonderful garnished with basil leaves and served with Naan bread and steamed...
This rice bowl dinner is inspired by the Island Bowls that Chef Rawlston Williams serves at The Food Sermon in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Originally from...
Salmon is a delicate fish that does well when lightly smoked and gently seasoned. Cooking it on a plank over a live fire gives it a great smoky flavor...
Chermoula is a traditional North African marinade for fish, especially in Morocco where, surprisingly, it's often used with shad. It has become very popular...