A Greek-inspired version of basic chicken salad that is quick, healthy, and delicious! Serve it topped with tomatoes and a sprinkling of feta cheese, or...
Marinated boneless chicken breast strips are placed on a bed of lettuce with mandarin oranges, walnuts, and golden raisins, then dressed in a tangy lime...
Marinated boneless chicken breast strips are placed on a bed of lettuce with mandarin oranges, walnuts, and golden raisins, then dressed in a tangy lime...
Marinated boneless chicken breast strips are placed on a bed of lettuce with mandarin oranges, walnuts, and golden raisins, then dressed in a tangy lime...
Marinated boneless chicken breast strips are placed on a bed of lettuce with mandarin oranges, walnuts, and golden raisins, then dressed in a tangy lime...
This is a tart and fresh salad, eaten in Poland during the winter months, when fresh vegetables used to be scarce and home cooks would mainly rely on fermented...
This is a tart and fresh salad, eaten in Poland during the winter months, when fresh vegetables used to be scarce and home cooks would mainly rely on fermented...
This recipe is great for picnics and potluck luncheons. It's cool, light, and great for a hot day's lunch on the patio. Serve on crescent rolls, with crackers,...
This Orzo and Snap Pea Salad combines the tasty vegetable with the delicious pasta. A cross between snow peas and English (regular) peas, sugar snaps have...
A great way to use that leftover turkey! The smoked paprika really makes it pop. If you're looking for a turkey salad that's a little different, you found...
Spread it on crackers! Make it into a sandwich! This melt in your mouth appetizer will have your whole party jumping! It's great during the holidays or...
This is by far the best summer salad I have ever made! You can adjust the amount of spice, depending on your preference by adding more or less jalapeno...
I had chicken breasts left over from a BBQ I had and decided to make a chicken salad. I couldn't find a recipe that I liked so I played around and came...
I had chicken breasts left over from a BBQ I had and decided to make a chicken salad. I couldn't find a recipe that I liked so I played around and came...
Chicken salad often finds its way to my summer menus, served on greens or a croissant. I think this one is just a little special. It's sweet and juicy...
Purple kale or curly kale can be substituted for the Tuscan variety (also called lacinato); chop the sturdy leaves instead of tearing them. Spelt is a...
This is very similar to a salad at a popular restaurant near my house. I loved it there and decided to make it at home. It's one of my favorite salads...
This is very similar to a salad at a popular restaurant near my house. I loved it there and decided to make it at home. It's one of my favorite salads...
This is very similar to a salad at a popular restaurant near my house. I loved it there and decided to make it at home. It's one of my favorite salads...
This recipe for sour slaw is from "Southern Country Cooking from the Loveless Cafe," by Jane and Michael Stern. This side goes great with braised pork...
You can swap any fall veggie -- brussels sprouts, turnips, or cabbage -- into this warm salad. Don't skip the celery leaves: they may seem delicate, but...
This fresh and satisfying vegetarian salad keeps well and never fails to please. Wholesome, delicious, and company-worthy. A very pretty salad that can...
Make this roasted autumn harvest salad for a delicious and healthy side dish. The recipe is featured in "Martha Stewart's Cooking School: Lessons and Recipes...