This is the only dressing I will ever use for Caesar Salad. It is from the creator of the Caesar Salad, Cesar Cardini. You can make it, like I do, or you...
This is the salad dressing I was raised on. It's super simple to make, and delicious--especially for garlic lovers! I've never really measured the ingredients,...
I can't fully claim this recipe as my own since I found the original on Allrecipes. I did tweak it just a little based on my own preferences and what ingredients...
This tangy, classic dressing with a hint of sesame is ready in 5 minutes. Not only tasty on a salad, but drizzle it over roasted or grilled veggies, just...
This salad dressing is a good alternative to make it fat-free and Vegan and its taste is also very good in spinach or fruit salads. A recipe by Jolinda...
Had a salad like this but with roasted garlic and frisee at the Frisky Oyster in Greenport, Long Island, NY. Tried to find the recipe on line and found...
From Rebar Cookbook, this is a very versatile vinaigrette that can be used on salads, as a marinade for grilled vegetables, or drizzled on a sandwich of...
Try this German salad dressing on your next lettuce and tomato salad or use it to dress a noodle, rice or Waldorf-type salad. Onions and garlic give it...
A wonderful salad. The dressing is one of our favorites and we frequently serve it atop lettuce with raspberries, pear, and walnuts. Recipe adapted from...
It's fig time here in SW France, and I have been busy making up new fig recipes, as well as making jams, pickles, alcohol steeped figs and chutneys with...
I am beginning to hate low fat dressings. They always seem to have this "smell" that does not appeal to me. This simple dressing is fast, easy and will...
I tried this last night at Maggiano's and loved it. I prepared this and to my delight found that it is a pretty good imitation of the original. This is...
This is from a recipe on It is the best vinaigrette I have ever tasted, healthy or not. Everyone who has tasted this salad dressing asks...
I was introduced to this recipe when I was a little girl. Our neighbor used to make it and we would drink it by the capful! (I also ate whole lemons and...
I had a similar salad from a deli and tried to duplicate it. This is what I ended up with. I think it's fabulous! The deli salad was my first experience...
This is what the recipe is called. I think it's pretty good. Recipe comes from a Canadian Legion Cookbook. This is from the Hamiota, Manitoba Branch No....
This recipe is similar to one used at California's North Woods Inn restaurant chain. Try this quick and easy recipe and you'll never go back to bottled...
Substitute chopped red or yellow bell peppers for the tomatoes in the salad; try fresh basil instead of cilantro in the dressing. Pare this side with another...
Using a low fat yogurt in the dressing makes this healthier without losing out on the taste. Fresh or imitation crab can be used in place of the shrimp,...
Private chef Michael Emmanuel's late-harvest salad gets its surprisingly meaty richness from the sliced red bell peppers he roasts in a clay oven, a broiler...
This is a festive salad with crunch and vibrant flavor. (hee-cah-mah) a member of the morning glory family that comes from Mexico and South America. A...
If you've never cut open a pomegranate, you might be in for a messy surprise. The best way to get the seeds out with out staining your clothes and counter...
A classic dressing for spinach salad, but it's also wonderful on other veggies like fresh green beans. Even the avowed green bean hater in the family tried...
I found this recipe on while searching for recipes using bok choy as an ingredient. I haven't made this yet, but it sounds delish and easy to...
Beautifully-colored salad dressing works well with greens and is also great over bananas and pears. Recipe makes 2 1/2 cups so it's great for large get...
Mom loved this salad, and it was always a treat when she would prepare it. Not having her recipe, I used Alton Brown's as the basis and improvised slightly....