I make this fried rice recipe with tofu all the time, as we always seem to have leftover cooked rice. You can add other vegetables or leftover cooked chicken...
This variation on mushroom risotto includes cream of mushroom soup for the creamy taste, without actually using heavy cream. A light hand is recommended...
The fried onion makes this recipe. Originally made with Vegeta or Delikat , a food seasoning. Chicken cube will work just fine. As it's quite salty no...
Simple preparation & delicious taste! Use a mixture of red, green, yellow & orange peppers for a colourful presentation. Recipe #2642 instead of store-bought...
Creamy risotto with crisp bacon. Plate the risotto and add one raw egg yolk to each serving if desired, allowing the diner to break the yolk and stir into...
This is my favorite recipe, shown to me by my mother, and shown to her by her mother and so on. It is amazing! Make sure to follow instructions perfectly...
From Bittman's, "The Best Recipes in the World." If you like any of his recipes, you may as well go ahead and buy the book. It's fantastic, both as a reference...
Like many versions, this Philippine rice porridge is is topped with crisp garlic chips for crunch. A mix of regular and sticky rice gives the dish just...
Very tasty Puerto Rican rice and beans recipe. Thanks Anita for the recipe! My kids LOVE the crust and fight over it. Great with hot sauce. You can also...
Meet your new favorite, cold-weather one-pan salmon dinner. It's warm and creamy with coconut milk and just spicy enough with green curry paste, ginger,...
From the April/14/2006 Life Magazine. A bit of a pain to make, but very good. I used one can of Broth and 3 cups of chicken bouillon. If you need more...
A very fruity version of rice pilaf that makes an excellent companion to the 16th century recipe for Recipe #124579. It should be started before the chicken,...
This is a hearty Southern dish, easy to make and full of flavor and quite spicy! I sometimes add in cooked ground beef, you can add in some chopped cooked...
A lovely long grain and wild rice pilaf with touches of fruits and nuts. Perfect for serving with chicken and turkey. Different from the usual stuffings....
Very easy. The rice, preferably, should be one day old (so that it is less sticky) but I have done it all once several times with good results. I also...
From "The Florida Keys Cookbook", I thought this sounded like a wonderful combination of flavors and textures. Sounds great to go with grilled mahi or...
Great side dish that doesn't take long to prepare and has lots of flavor. Don't cook the bacon too much; you don't want it to have a crunchy texture. This...
I created this recipe because there is nothing quite like creamy, savory rice. It is so delicious and filling, it can be a meal in itself! You do need...
My friend Cara and I needed a side dish one night and all I could think of was a curry dish I'd had at a local (Manhattan) Tai resturant. I could not find...
Serve this easy rice and bean casserole topped with avocado and sour cream or use as a burrito filler. Inspired by Green Valley Kitchen's Rice and Black...