Whip up the perfect side dish with our super quick Herbed Brown Rice recipe. In just 20 minutes, you and your family could be enjoying our Healthy Living...
This is an easy-to-prepare fried rice dished passed down by my Japanese mother. You won't find anything like it in the restaurants. Every time we have...
A nice "warm the belly" soup that you can put together quickly and just let simmer while you are on to better things. I believe I jotted this one down...
The Italian word for the ideal risotto texture is all'onda-literally, "like a wave." Risotto should spread and move and undulate. If you can stand a spoon...
Born and raised in Alaska, I cannot imagine eating any salmon other than delicious Wild Alaskan Salmon. This dish will highlight the magnificant flavor...
Good, ripe tomatoes aren't available year-round, so what to do when you're craving the awesome America's Test Kitchen Spanish Rice that calls for 12 ripe...
Creamy and yummy! Best when served immediately as it continues to thicken. You want it "saucy". Stir in additions such as asparagus, peas, cooked shellfish,...
These are my favorite cabbage rolls and what a bonus to put them in the crock pot before I go to work and dinner is ready when I get home. You can make...
I partially winged it and partially borrowed from other recipes I've tried before. This rice was cooked in a Zojirushi Fuzzy Logic Rice cooker (5 cups),...
This is like a savory rice pudding, I prefer fresh sautéed mushrooms but canned will do fine, the rice will need to be cooked and completely cold before...
I simply love the flavors of North Africa and I think that you'll enjoy this as much as I do. I like to make this with pistachios in place of the almonds...
Once you do the prep, divide into 3 airtight containers, for here it is only 20 mins to the table whenever you need it. I have three-seasoned rice mix...
I was going through my America's Test Kitch Family cookbook and came across this. I realized I had leftover rissoto in my fridge and thought I would try...
This looked awfully good, simple, almost perfect! I made this last night and my BF and I were very pleased with the outcome. If possible, use leftover...
This was sent to me by a resident of Guam via an online gaming community. It is intended to be made in a rice cooker. Refer to your manufacturer's directions...
This amazing fried rice dish is sure to knock family and friends off of their feet! It will make them think you are a 5-star chef! It mixes sweet and savory...
Chef Lucas Sin of Junzi taught us this technique for fried rice in which every single grain is coated in egg yolk and fries up perfectly distinct and chewy....
This is the way I cooked Arroz Caldo. I never used glutenous rice, I just used jasmine rice instead of it since I found the glutenous very sticky. The...
I originally found this recipe in a Good Housekeeping cookbook, but have modified it over the years to suit our family's taste. It goes great with just...
I got the recipe from Canadian Living and it is a really nice rice with a subtle flavour. If you want more flavour you could add green salsa or hot peppers....