Morel mushrooms and asparagus are both in season during the spring and complement one another perfectly. A risotto is the perfect way to enjoy these two...
Ground beef, fresh onion, green bell pepper, tomatoes and rice are simmered in a sweet-hot sauce of chile, brown sugar, cumin and Worcestershire. This...
I got this recipe years ago from a Kraft magazine ad. It is a family favorite and a great way to use up left over rice. Makes a great side dish to grilled...
Great authentic basmati rice to be served with chicken tikka masala or chicken tandoori. Don't be intimidated by the spice mix, they blend very well. If...
Chicken, rice, soy sauce and shredded egg stir fried together. This is a very simple recipe. It is easy, but tasty! Note: Never use rice that you have...
One of my favorite parts of hibachi is the fried rice and I was determined to make it at home. This recipe is quick and easy and is sure to be a big hit....
This recipe is part of the Epicurious Online Cooking School, in partnership with the Culinary Institute of America. To watch it being made, and to learn...
This is a staple of Thai cooking. Adjust the spices to your own tastes for a really great use for leftover rice!! I get the basil from a local Asian market....
A crisp cucumber and fresh herb salad makes a light yet vibrant companion to this golden dish. A squeeze of fresh lime juice and a dollop of yogurt added...
Nasi Goreng, Indonesian fried rice. This dish can be enjoyed by itself or as the basis of a larger meal, for example with a rijsttafel. It is very easy...
This recipe makes perfect rice every time, simply because the temptation to stir isn't there. This foolproof rice goes well with roasted chicken or broiled...
This is a great recipe that your family will love and is easy to make. Cook the rice a day ahead or buy some from a local Asian restaurant. The quality...
This is easy and very tasty, it's good served hot or at room temperature for a side dish, or as a main meal. All ingredients can be adjusted to taste....
This is tasty rice dish with a kick to it. Of coarse all the spices may be adjusted to suit taste. I have even added cooked ground beef to this to make...
This is a recipe that I got from a vegetarian cookbook and made a few modifications to. We have fallen for this dish and now make it a few times a month....
I originally got this from a Cuban friend, but made some changes to it. I have had it many times, the leftovers are very good wrapped in a tortilla, too....
The best thing about this salad is how it comes together in no time at all. Asian rice noodles generally cook more quickly than wheat noodles and with...
This is my take on a Louisiana classic. No shortcuts! Put everything into the slow cooker in the morning and you will have your meal ready in the late...
This recipe starts with fresh pigeon peas and I am translating it from Spanish. It comes from an old cookbook, originally published in 1954 called "Cocina...
Here's to rice, shrimp, mushrooms, white wine, garlic and plenty of parmesan. This is a easy to make company dish. This creamy rice dish is sure to please...