Mock chopped liver in this recipe is made out of lentils. This dish tastes just like the real thing without the cholesterol of real liver! Serve mounded...
It is a typically French pie crust also known as Pate Sablee. I hope it helps you and anyone else looking for pie dough. Use real butter and fresh eggs...
Friends beg me to make this when they come over. Cream cheese, garlic, anchovies, feta cheese and fresh chives are quickly blended and ready to serve in...
I love pate so I decided to make some at home. Living in a small town, goose or duck liver is not available. I worked on making a recipe with readily available...
Friends beg me to make this when they come over. Cream cheese, garlic, anchovies, feta cheese and fresh chives are quickly blended and ready to serve in...
Friends beg me to make this when they come over. Cream cheese, garlic, anchovies, feta cheese and fresh chives are quickly blended and ready to serve in...
Avocado pears, tinned Pacific Pilchards (in brine) or tinned herring fillets (in oil) and stuffed olives - in combination, they will provide you with a...
Liverwurst sausage is mixed into a velvety pate and frosted with cream cheese. Serve with crackers, veggies or tiny deli rye slices. This is better if...
Liverwurst sausage is mixed into a velvety pate and frosted with cream cheese. Serve with crackers, veggies or tiny deli rye slices. This is better if...
Mock chopped liver in this recipe is made out of lentils. This dish tastes just like the real thing without the cholesterol of real liver! Serve mounded...
Mock chopped liver in this recipe is made out of lentils. This dish tastes just like the real thing without the cholesterol of real liver! Serve mounded...
I love pate so I decided to make some at home. Living in a small town, goose or duck liver is not available. I worked on making a recipe with readily available...
Liverwurst sausage is mixed into a velvety pate and frosted with cream cheese. Serve with crackers, veggies or tiny deli rye slices. This is better if...
Mock chopped liver in this recipe is made out of lentils. This dish tastes just like the real thing without the cholesterol of real liver! Serve mounded...
It is a typically French pie crust also known as Pate Sablee. I hope it helps you and anyone else looking for pie dough. Use real butter and fresh eggs...
Liverwurst sausage is mixed into a velvety pate and frosted with cream cheese. Serve with crackers, veggies or tiny deli rye slices. This is better if...
It is a typically French pie crust also known as Pate Sablee. I hope it helps you and anyone else looking for pie dough. Use real butter and fresh eggs...
This is a traditional Italian appetizer that is, essentially, liver pate served on toasted, rustic bread. This is a nice recipe for cocktail parties and...
Friends beg me to make this when they come over. Cream cheese, garlic, anchovies, feta cheese and fresh chives are quickly blended and ready to serve in...
French-Canadian pork spread for toast and crackers....This was my memere's recipe and so far I have never had any better. Very simple to make :) I guess...
Old recipe from French-Canadian Memere (Grandma). Delicious and spicy pork spread for sandwiches. Pronounced 'gah-ton'. Enjoy on a sandwich with mustard...
Mock chopped liver in this recipe is made out of lentils. This dish tastes just like the real thing without the cholesterol of real liver! Serve mounded...
Salmon, butter, Dijon mustard, and fresh tarragon are just some of what make this traditional French fare so delicious. This no-bake version is more like...
Friends beg me to make this when they come over. Cream cheese, garlic, anchovies, feta cheese and fresh chives are quickly blended and ready to serve in...