This is the simplest way to make a large batch of meatballs that you can turn into a variety of dinners, from pasta to soup to sandwiches. Stash them in...
Forget about hot wings! These spicy "meatballs" combine white beans and mushrooms for a delicious meatless version of your favorite buffalo-and-blue cheese...
Loving meatballs has never been this rewarding. They're gilded with lots of strong spices and set in a cooling swoosh of yogurt and anointed with the sweet...
This big batch of meatballs is inspired by kofta, the flavor-packed ground meat patties popular throughout the Middle East and North Africa. Stash them...
This healthy turkey meatball and noodle dish has an irresistible Thai-inspired twist and offers three options for plating. Option One serves the flavorful...
Sumo Stew (Chanko Nabe) is a robust soup brimming with mixed vegetables and tons of protein in a rich dashi broth. Although this one-pot stew is eaten...
To make this fried rice extra crispy, sauté the ingredients separately and use cold, cooked rice. As you're stir-frying, toss the rice, pausing frequently...
This gorgeous comfort food dish is super-easy to put together and delivers big on the flavour front. You end up with a mega tray of oozy cheese-topped...
This approachable weeknight dinner takes its cue from Japanese grilled chicken meatballs (tsukune), and the glossy, sweet-and-sour sauce that comes with...
Thanks to a zingy ginger, garlic, and miso paste mixture, these vitamin- and fiber-loaded mushroom and zucchini "meatballs" are so packed with flavor you'll...
Radiatori are small, crunched pieces of pasta that look like old- fashioned steam radiators. They'll stay firm in this quick meal, offering good texture...
There may be no better way to stretch odds and ends around the kitchen than to make a frittata: there's no crust to fuss with, the eggy matrix can handle...