If you really want to impress your dinner guests for the holidays or any special occasion, I highly recommend this recipe. The meat is extremely tender...
Created in 1922 by a northern Greek immigrant who wanted to put some of the Old Country spices into chili. This chili can be eaten several ways. One-way...
This is good on grilled meats - chicken, beef - however, we always use it for pork ribs. I omit the oil and have never had a problem but I know marinade...
This is a great dish with a spicy sweet flavor. Onions, Red Peppers, Orange Juice and Sour Cream are the ingredients that make it so robust. You can serve...
Looking for something to serve for Oktoberfest? NOTE: Plan ahead because this needs to marinate for 3 days. This is surprisingly easy to make. Assembling...
Yummy meatloaf for the Bobby Flay Throwdown Show on Food Network. Note: I substituted ground beef and ground Italian sausage & Italian bread crumbs and...
Scrumptious meatballs from Mom. Mom never browned them first if she was using in her spaghetti sauce. See her recipe for sauce posted in my recipes, recipe...
This is Mama's recipe for slow oven baked brisket. She alway marinates in one of those large, turkey size oven bags . Pop it in a 250 degree oven the next...
Hearty winter fare. Don't forget to serve feta cheese and crusty bread alongside. Note: although it is not traditional to have veggies in this soup here...
A favorite party appetizer that never lasts long! It has much more layers than most taco dips, but is still very simple to make! Make sure you drain the...
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with this Ultimate Corned Beef and Cabbage. Corned beef is slow-cooked in a Dutch oven with potatoes, carrots, and cabbage...
My boss Judy gave me this recipe today, I prepared it tonight and WOW! It is perfect for a family like mine, who some like it reddish pink and others more...
This is one of my recipes I like to use for special occasions such as at my Christmas 'open house' and New Years Day buffet. It is a great addition to...
I found these on another website ages ago ad they have since become a regular at my parties. You can use any bourbon but I have done well using Southern...
Jamie Oliver is one of my favorite chefs. This is definitely comfort food. It is also pretty inexpensive to make. *Due to reviews, I have reduced the amount...
PRIME RIB, King of all Beef!! It's really so simple to cook a perfect prime rib. This is a family favorite that shouldn't have to wait for a holiday. I...
My DH is an excellent home chef and prefers cooking meat. He has tried many recipes for short ribs and did not love the results until now. This recipe...
My mom made this when I was growing up. It's a very simple dish, filling and easy to make. It's good over toast, or for something more healthy, serve over...
This is a method I got from FoodNetwork's Alton Brown, and it's foolproof. I've tweaked the ingredients many times, in many ways, but it's always turned...
I don't remember where I found this recipe - I've made it so often, I've memorized it. The trick to these meatballs is to only plan to use half of them...
Although tostadas do not typically have meat in them, this recipe does. Ground beef is usually used for tacos, refried beans in tostadas and a mixture...
What I love about this recipe, is that it's possible to have lasagna within approx. 30 minutes and only have one pan to wash! It's an easy weeknight recipe...
I just love this recipe. I've never written it down and I hope this is pretty close, because I always just make it by heart. As a child I always demanded...
This is an "old fashioned" recipe for Sauerbraten which requires a long (5 day) marinading time. The meat is very tender with that old fashioned flavor...
I got the idea of using sausage in this from my hubby, and I built it from there. This makes an excelent, juicy, and very tasty meat loaf. Note: I mince...
I found several stuffed flank steak recipes here, but none just like this. Although I like quick and easy on weekdays, I love to smell something cooking...
Salmon patties are quick and easy. I got this recipe from my son's babysitter many years ago. My son is now 20 and we still eat these at least a few times...
A quick meal to throw together, easy to tweak to your spice level -- try adding green chilies or using hot taco seasoning! Best served with tortilla chips...
One of the darlings of the culinary world is the short rib. When you think of a rib, most think of the pork rib, but the beef rib is larger, meatier and...