The meat is so tender and moist and the gravy is so flavorful. Instead of baking it in the oven, I use my pressure cooker. This is wonderful with mashed...
My husband showed up at home with a huge case of pork tenderloin. After a little figuring, this is the best of the best recipes that I was able to come...
A wonderfully elegant and easy pork tenderloin dish with a creamy herbed wine sauce. Very rich, without all of the fat and calories! Serve with garlic...
My favorite recipes are ones with few ingredients that I normally have on hand and are hard to mess up. You can add more or less of each ingredient depending...
Easy, delicious, and cheesy chicken breasts--with plenty of Asiago flavor! Add a touch of black pepper, balsamic vinegar, and additional Asiago cheese...
Don't let the color scare you! It's bright green! This is an extremely easy and tasty family recipe. Variations can definitely be made to taste...sometimes...
A perfectly seasoned and juicy turkey. My friend from France taught me to cook turkey like this, but she never measures anything so use your own judgment...
This is one of my favorite recipes and was given to me by a neighbor many years ago. I've been making it ever since when the weather is cool and it is...
Bourbon Chicken is traditionally a Southern dish, and after moving to Pennsylvania from Oklahoma, I really missed this. I searched for a recipe I liked,...
A quick, healthy meal. Good enough for holidays or guests! Tastes best with fresh scallops. Most of the prep can be done while the water boils and pasta...
Try this when you are feeling daring and want to mix things up a bit! A Southern inspired recipe that is sure to add a little fun to your dinner table....
Ranch and bacon lovers will love everything about this pizza. It's easy to make using shortcuts like refrigerated canned pizza crust and pre-cooked chicken...
I started making these for family get-togethers and everyone LOVED them. No one could eat enough of them. I am also using them when I cater my daughter's...
Ever wish you could get that restaurant-style rotisserie chicken at home? Well, with minimal preparation and about 5 hours' cooking time (great for the...
A whole chicken is seasoned and slowly cooked on the grill. This is a bit unorthodox, but the end result is moist, flavorful, and amazing. All you'll need...
My husband created this dish on Valentine's day our second year of marriage. We didn't have a lot of money and he wanted to create something special for...
Here's a delicious recipe for roast chicken using one of my all-time favorite poultry techniques...spatchcocking! This method of cooking allows the chicken...
This is my favorite chicken recipe, which I learned while doing low-carb dieting. I prefer dark meat so I'll use 4 legs and thighs. You can do this recipe...
This was a staple in my family growing up. Being married now, my husband requests it all the time! Though it's not the healthiest, it's a quick and easy...
I love cheese so I experimented and found that this is the greatest meat pie I have ever eaten! This pie makes good use of any chicken or turkey leftovers....
Chicken thighs and carrots are cooked on top of the stove, making a hearty dish for any time of year, especially if you prefer not to heat up the oven....
This is a recipe that I hope gets passed down. Everyone seems to like it. We make it as a main dish when I make it with chicken. We also make it a side...
This was a last-minute decision for my son's birthday dinner...mixing ingredients found in the refrigerator and kitchen...the family LOVED it! Adjust filling...
Chicken breasts in a light cajun and cilantro cream sauce are best served with cubed red potatoes and green beans or asparagus. Dish can also be served...