A sophisticated blend of lemon, garlic, asparagus, delicate goat cheese and tasty Margherita® Prosciutto, make for a delicious appetizer, an attractive...
Crispy Margherita® Prosciutto slices and fresh seared scallops with sauteed garlic, mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach over angel hair pasta in a lemon butter...
Fresh basil leaves curled around cherry tomatoes, savory meatballs and Margherita® Hard Salami-wrapped mozzarella balls, all skewered one-by-one to make...
Ordinary breadsticks become irresistible wrapped in thin slices of Margherita® sandwich pepperoni with garlic cheese and a dash of thyme, rosemary, or...
A traditional Italian sub is spread with savory garlic mayonnaise, piled high with sliced Margherita® Pepperoni, Genoa Salami and Capicola, then finished...
Put an Italian spin on this traditional Asian dish with bibb lettuce filled with fresh antipasto made from Margherita® Pepperoni, artichoke hearts, roasted...
Bring some excitement back to breakfast by dressing up your scrambled eggs with rich Asiago cheese, onions, crispy peppers and the robust flavor of Margherita®...
Put an Italian spin on this traditional Asian dish with bibb lettuce filled with fresh antipasto made from Margherita® Pepperoni, artichoke hearts, roasted...
A fresh take on the classic baked, stuffed pepper, bursting with chopped, thick-sliced Margherita® Pepperoni, baby spinach, rice and bubbling provolone...
Crispy Margherita® Prosciutto slices and fresh seared scallops with sauteed garlic, mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach over angel hair pasta in a lemon butter...
Crispy Margherita® Prosciutto slices and fresh seared scallops with sauteed garlic, mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach over angel hair pasta in a lemon butter...
Crispy Margherita® Prosciutto slices and fresh seared scallops with sauteed garlic, mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach over angel hair pasta in a lemon butter...
Ordinary breadsticks become irresistible wrapped in thin slices of Margherita® sandwich pepperoni with garlic cheese and a dash of thyme, rosemary, or...
Margherita® Genoa Salami with ricotta, Romano and mozzarella cheeses mingle with an array of Italian spices to create the perfect twist on this classic...
Margherita® Genoa Salami with ricotta, Romano and mozzarella cheeses mingle with an array of Italian spices to create the perfect twist on this classic...
Fresh basil leaves curled around cherry tomatoes, savory meatballs and Margherita® Hard Salami-wrapped mozzarella balls, all skewered one-by-one to make...
Crispy Margherita® Prosciutto slices and fresh seared scallops with sauteed garlic, mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach over angel hair pasta in a lemon butter...
A traditional Italian sub is spread with savory garlic mayonnaise, piled high with sliced Margherita® Pepperoni, Genoa Salami and Capicola, then finished...
Crispy Margherita® Prosciutto slices and fresh seared scallops with sauteed garlic, mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach over angel hair pasta in a lemon butter...