I usually try to source Queensland saucer scallops for this dish, with their firm-medium, flavoursome flesh. Be sure to pat the scallop meat dry with a...
The secret to this dish is creating a rich sauce to coat the noodles. A good sauce should combine the natural flavours of the ingredients used with a few...
A good bread stuffing will never go out of style and it's the perfect way to use up stale, unwanted bread. It steams the chicken from the inside while...
Cassoulet is one of my favourite dishes. This simple home-style version is closer to baked beans and sausages than fine French fare, but I'm okay with...
This traditional soup is eaten throughout the year in Morocco, but even more so during the month of Ramadan to break the fast once the sun sets. It is...
Finely chopping the broccoli and chicken allows them to be incorporated with the pasta, rather than leaving big chunks that spoil the overall texture of...
For me, a Sunday roast lunch is generous, festive occasion, the highlight of the weekend. In terms of meat cuts, lamb shoulder has shot to the top of the...
It's a fabulous time of year to be cooking with fruit. This twice-cooked duck is great with cherries, or you could try mango, peaches or nectarines, either...
Aloo chole is a popular Punjabi curry of chickpeas and potato. It is not particularly hot and spicy, so add a little extra chilli if you like. It would...
This was one of my mother's staple dishes when I was growing up. In my reinvention, I've added a bit more spice and detail and some crunchy noodles for...
The slightly sweet, peppery and fragrant chicken dish is a family favourite in the Philippines. Try it once and it might just become a favourite of your...
Chicken and lemon go together as superbly as duck and orange. I really like this dish - it's very simple but flavoursome with a tangy finish that has its...
I like to serve the whole leg in the centre of the table and flake the meat off the bone, sprinkling a little extra salt, some extra-virgin olive oil,...
Gribiche is a classic French sauce starring hard-boiled eggs, which gets its briny kick from cornichons and capers, and it elevates this super simple vegie...
Wine may be my preferred tipple, but when you are standing over a hot barbecue only beer will do. I enjoy the tangy flavours that beer adds to food. As...
Exotic saffron, feisty ginger, smoky paprika, warm cumin and sweetly scented cinnamon go into this simple tagine. Serve with cous cous and extra harissa...
This dish has many variations: try mushrooms instead of capsicum, or add a sprig of fresh rosemary or thyme, or cinnamon and cloves. It also tastes better...
Spicy harissa and honey turn roasted cauliflower into a special plant-based main course, served on a bed of green hummus spiked with dried and fresh mint....
Spice up the midweek menu with a feast of Middle Eastern flavours. Serve the chicken with a salad of baby spinach leaves, orange segments and toasted almonds...
Not the rump cheeks, silly, but the facial cheeks of beef. Because they are working muscles, their connective tissue helps them to hold their shape after...
This recipe works well with any seafood you like: squid, scallops, prawns or white-fleshed fish. You can also use carrot, parsnip or a potato purée instead...
The beauty of this marinade is its versatility and the incredible flavour you can achieve with relatively few ingredients. Use it for chicken, pork, beef,...
I love this salad's simplicity, but if you want to bulk it up think cherry tomatoes, olives, mint, walnuts, pomegranate seeds, pita bread, fried chickpeas...
I want to give the good old barbecued snag a bit of a makeover. The reality is that sausages are not all that easy to cook. Too much sizzle and they're...
This is a beautiful dish that works equally well with tuna, Spanish mackerel or swordfish. Rosemary is an unusual herb to use with fish but in this case...
This is a terrific pasta dish to serve up to your loved ones, or a special loved one (for a beautiful dinner for two, all you have to do is halve the ingredients)....
The ultimate shove-in-a-pan-and-call-dinner-done meal. So quick, so easy and a total crowd pleaser. By adding a decent lug of honey to the marinade, the...
This is based on Valencian paella but has been modernised by the omission of snails and wild rabbit. A true Valencian paella would never use chorizo -...