Fajita Taco Salad is a delicious Tex-Mex meal combining a perfectly cooked flank steak with all the flavors I love most, and topped with my delicious Chipotle...
It smelled so good when the pizza was baked in the oven, and it tasted so good. The topping ingredients were so yummy, perfectly delicious together. Goat...
This Cilantro Lime Chicken is a super quick and easy weeknight meal. Use chicken thighs or breast marinated in fresh lime juice, cilantro, garlic, and...
This is the exact recipe from the Yats restaurant...As tasty as it is, I would most definitely use some alternatives to a stick of butter they put in their...
This is classic German food and one of the best cold-weather meals ever. Pair with a good German beer, some dark bread and a salad. Note that to do this...
Food lovers on America's coasts have long known that crab cakes make wonderful sandwiches. Here, tender lumps of sweet crab are seasoned (in the manner...
This ham glaze recipe is perfect for any ham, any time! Gently spiced with cinnamon and cloves and sweetened with brown sugar and honey. Definitely my...
EatSimpleFood.com Light but still filling. Refreshing, simple, and healthy wild shrimp recipe with cherry tomatoes, green onions, sliced almonds, and wild...
A classic homemade lasagna recipe doesn't get any easier! The pasta sheets get soaked while the meat sauce cooks with the cheese filling! A delicious...
These Cauliflower Steaks are roasted in the oven until tender and delicious! Topped with Parmesan cheese, this dish is a great low-carb option for light...
Traditional flavours of the Mauritian curry are captured with red kidney beans in rich pumpkin curry sauce. This tomato-based curry recipe contains no...
My mother, Shirley, was a pie master. She could mix up crust for a double-crust pie in a matter of seconds. It was always the same recipe: 2 cups all-purpose...
Braised lentils on toast is one of my all-time favorite, easy vegan dinners. Thanks to red wine and lots of herbs, the lentils taste sophisticated-but...
This may be my favorite summer Grillie meal. Italian Hot Dogs for the entire family. All the ingredients grilled together make this the BEST Italian Hot...
Turkey meatballs in a delicious homemade sauce. Serve this traditional Italian meal over pasta or for a low carb version serve over broccoli slaw or spiraled...
This Brie mac and cheese comes together in about 20 minutes with less than 10 ingredients. Cubed Brie combines with white wine and heavy cream to create...