This Slow Cooker Tri-Tip Roast is a great recipe for menu planning. Slice and serve with mashed potatoes and sides or shred, portion and freeze for fajitas,...
Creamy and delicious homemade mac and cheese with hot dogs is the quick and easy family dinner that everyone will love to have! Cook your pasta up with...
This slow roast is absolutely delicious and stress free. It's not the sort of joint that you carve into neat slices, it's far too meltingly tender! And...
Spend some time in the kitchen with the family and whip up this big bowl of comforting Spinach Mushroom and Ricotta Cheese Manicotti. It is super easy...
This Old School Chicken and Rice Casserole is a classic for a reason. The rice and chicken are deliciously seasoned, and the rice cooks up perfectly. Dinner...
Take corn casserole to a new level with this Taco Corn Casserole Recipe. This cheesy casserole uses up leftover taco meat. Top with sour cream and fresh...
Sancocho is a common Colombian dish that you can make with fish, plantain, beef, chicken, pigeon peas or pork. Sancocho de gallina or Sancocho Valluno...
This Asian-inspired Beef Stir Fry with Rice has rice, beef, vegetables and a homemade stir fry sauce that combine to form a comforting dinner filled with...
This Quick and Easy Tuna Noodle Casserole recipe is a fantastic supper for nights when you're short on time! Tuna Noodle Casserole is a family favorite...
This Taco Tater Tot Taco Casserole is a delightful combination of classic taco flavors and tater tots! Loaded with all the good stuff like taco meat, beans,...
The Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich is the best comfort food. Thinly sliced ribeye steak, cheese, onions, and a delicious hoagie roll. This is one of those...
Looking for a new, delicious sweet potato recipe for the fall or Thanksgiving? Try Ree Drummond's sweet potato dish that calls for plenty of brown sugar...
This Asian Baked Salmon Recipe is tender, flavorful, and only takes 15 minutes to cook. Asian Baked Salmon is the perfect weeknight meal to feel great...
A super easy marinade for chicken drumsticks. The chicken is crispy and juicy every time! A great recipe for any weeknight, family gathering, tailgating,...
Easy Baked Pork Chops with Rosemary are baked bone-in pork chops blanketed in a rich, garlicky, buttery sauce topped with fresh aromatic rosemary. And...
A low-fat, low-calorie main entree originating from Veracruz, Mexico. Red snapper Veracruz is a firm white fish baked with tomatoes, onions, green olives,...