Each region of Colombia has it own specialties and characteristic dishes. For example, in the capital of the country Bogotá; Ajiaco is a very popular...
EatSimpleFood.com This low country shrimp and grits recipe is filled with bacon, andouille sausage, and local shrimp. The thickened roux makes for the...
This recipe does take a few hours to finish, but it's not hands-on the entire time. The filling is pre-baked to ensure the chuck roast pieces are super...
Follow these step-by-step, photo illustrated instructions for making our old-fashioned, homemade Chicken Salad recipe. We're making it from scratch, the...
Crispy Coconut Chicken is a flavorful main dish that is naturally gluten free and ready in 30 minutes. This easy dinner recipe can be fried, baked or air...
Barbecue sauce is one of the best parts of grilling season-but do you know how easy it is to make homemade barbecue sauce? Get the best BBQ sauce recipe...
This easy Crockpot Chili recipe is delicious, hearty, and perfect for chilly weather! Super easy to make and perfect for loading up with all your favorite...
Follow our step-by-step, photo illustrated recipe to make this traditional Southern favorite of Country Ham and Red Eye Gravy. The gravy may be somewhat...
Gather the family for a comforting homemade dinner of southern-style smothered pork chops and gravy! Cook these in the slow cooker or oven for a tender,...
This Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup is destined to become your new favorite chicken noodle soup recipe made without any canned soups! It's easy comfort food...
This is an easy and delicious grilled halibut recipe with honey and lemon will have you falling in love with fish all over again! Enjoy a healthy and delicious...
Broccoli-cheese soup is my life. There's something about it that triggers a happy, peaceful memory. That's why I'm sharing my easy broccoli cheese soup...
Southern Fried Pork Chops are sprinkled with seasoned salt, pepper & a little cayenne, if you want some spice, dredged in flour and pan fried until perfectly...
This easy delicious breakfast casserole recipe is loaded with crispy bacon and shredded cheddar cheese is what we all need in the morning! The perfect...
The very best Slow Cooker Cowboy Beans! This easy recipe is so hearty and filling and just perfect for chilly weather! Loaded with three types of beans,...
Here's an authentic Belgian Beef Carbonnade (Beef Stew) recipe. These tender pieces of meat cooked slowly in beer with carrots is the ideal comfort food...
This grilled halibut is a great way to enjoy fish any day of the week. Topped with my garlic thyme butter, this seafood is perfectly tender and flaky without...
This is a scrumptious, simple beef stew recipe that's perfect for warming your soul after a long week of feeding cattle. Here's how to make Beef Stew with...
Herbs and spices, both fresh and dried, are a fantastic way to add flavor to any cut of meat. This Spice-Rubbed Grilled Chicken recipe will keep your whole...
Pimento Cheese is an old Southern favorite. Perfect for sandwiches, as a dip or as a spread on celery sticks. Great for family get together's of any type....