Celebrating one of Germany's most famous "superfoods", Sauerkraut, this wonderful soup is satisfying to both tummy and soul. The combination of tangy sauerkraut,...
A delicious Brown Butter and Walnut Ravioli Sauce and a Creamy Cherry Tomato and Garlic Ravioli Sauce. Both are ready in just 5 minutes! Use with homemade...
Braised lamb shanks slow cooked in a fantastic sauce with Persian spices, saffron, lemon juice and herbs makes a spectacular feast. Succulent lamb in an...
Sirloin Tip Steak is juicy and flavorful with a crunchy crust on the outside. A simple balsamic and honey marinade turns this lean cut into a tender and...
Air fryer or oven Chinese steamed cod fish recipe is simple & delicious. With 6-ingredients, this Chinese fish cod recipe is Paleo, Whole30, low carb,...
Classic Beef Brisket includes an easy brisket rub recipe and a slow cooked oven method. The result is a juicy, tender, melt-in-your-mouth meal that you...
Easy and tasty flank steak gyros with tzatziki cucumber sauce are bursting with hearty flavor. A simple marinade and quick-sear yields super juicy and...
This Garbage Plate recipe is a homemade version of the Garbage Plate that you'll find in Rochester, NY. Complete with meat hot sauce, fries, mac salad...
Once you try this Bacon and Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breast, you won't want any other kind of chicken. Perfectly seasoned and bursting with cream cheese,...
Baked Cajun Garlic Butter Cod is a tender and juicy cod filet baked in a buttery cajun seasoning with garlic cloves and olive oil making this cod a flavorful...
Any species of duck or goose will work with this recipe. I prefer to grill larger duck and goose breasts because they don't cook up instantaneously like,...
Zucchini Casserole with stuffing features fresh garden zucchini and sautéed onion then topped with a cheesy stuffing mix and baked till golden. It's...
James Martin's warming beef hotpot is a wintry dream come true. The beef is meltingly tender in its red wine sauce and it's all topped with crisp potatoes....
This easy chicken and rice casserole is done in one pot on the stove top for a favorite comfort food dinner that's ready in 30 minutes or less, no oven...
An over-the-top delicious chicken piccata! Perfectly pan seared chicken breasts are topped with a rich and creamy, tangy piccata sauce and little bits...
A delicious and healthy green bean pasta recipe from Puglia in Southern Italy, this spaghetti with green beans is easy to make and great way to get kids...
This Indian lamb curry recipe is as simple as putting everything in the slow-cooker and forgetting all about it. The meat is cooked along with the wonderful...
This is an easy BBQ meatloaf recipe with delicious barbecue glaze on top. Tasty baked meatloaf that is moist, flavorful and ready on your table in less...
Our Creamy Tarragon Chicken is such a great easy weeknight dinner that feels elevated. We sear chicken breasts in a cast-iron skillet and then simmer them...