I love this turkey sandwich recipe. Since I'm cooking for two nowadays, I enjoy being creative with simple meals. -Dollypearle Martin, Douglastown, New...
Thick and creamy, this soup is chock-full of rich, cheese flavor. I came home with this recipe after an exchange at my church several years ago and I have...
Fresh basil marries the flavors of this splendid salad from Kathy Glasgow. The Marysville, California reader lightly dresses the dish, making it ideal...
I love the challenge of finding creative new ways to serve foods. So putting peaches in chicken salad seems only natural. My husband and I enjoy this hearty...
Like most country cooks, I often bake a large ham so that I can use leftovers in tasty dishes like this. Fresh asparagus is wonderful in this soup's creamy...
Chock-full of tomato, red and green pepper and tricolor spirals, this full-flavored Greek pasta salad is as attractive as it is delicious. I add feta cheese...
These sliders are a fun way to serve meatballs at your party without using a slow cooker. Made on mini Hawaiian rolls, they have a hint of sweetness to...
I revamped my mother's potato salad recipe to taste more like baked potatoes with all the fixin's, which I love. It's now the most requested dish at family...
Tired of the same old ground beef recipes? This quick-fix burger alternative, with its creamy cheese filling, will wake up your taste buds. -Sherri Cox,...
On days I don't have much time to cook, egg salad on croissants hits the spot. It's also nice made with toasted bread or English muffins. Our family loves...
My family loves Buffalo chicken wings but the frying makes them unhealthy. This takes out some of the fat but lets us enjoy the great taste of Buffalo...
For a speedy side, Jennifer serves an avocado salad. "My mother came up with this when she had too many ripe avocados and tomatoes on hand." -Jennifer...
Served over your favorite salad greens, this rich and creamy dressing is a real treat. I first sampled it at an area restaurant, and the owners were kind...
I make these turkey and cheese sandwiches at least once a week. I love the melty cheese and mayonnaise for comforting appeal. - Teresa Stephens, Dexter,...
A relative gave me the tip to make salad dressings with whatever fruit I was using in my salad. It works like a charm here. Pears make the matching easy....
I modified a bean soup recipe and came up with this wonderful chili. I make it mild for my family but add Tabasco sauce to spice up my bowl. -Jenne Delkus,...
During the cooler months of the year, this soup makes regular appearances on our dinner table. It is approved by all, including my picky 6-year-old. -Kalyn...
We do a lot of camping and outdoor cooking. This all-American, homemade hamburger recipe is on our menu more than any other food. -Diane Hixon, Niceville,...
I came up with this colorful and tasty zucchini salad years ago for a recipe contest and was delighted when I won honorable mention! The recipe easily...
My family gave these cheesy quesadillas oohs and aahs. Remove the spinach from the heat as soon as it wilts so it keeps a little bit of crunch. -Pam Kaiser,...
Fresh, fruity flavor makes this pretty salad popular with all ages. Our whole family really digs into its fluffy goodness. I can put it together in the...
I came across this recipe years ago at a recipe exchange through a church group. The contributor didn't sign her name, so I don't know who to thank. But...
My father was Swiss, so cheese has been a basic food in our family as long as I can remember. With its big cheese taste, you'll want to prepare this soup...
Deciding to start eating healthy, I took a classic carrot and raisin salad recipe and lightened it up, then added apples for extra flavor. I took this...
Try this simple arugula salad recipe for a fresh side the whole family will love. It combines fresh peppery greens with tasty golden raisins, crunchy almonds...
This salad's a little sweet, a little savory and very refreshing. Healthy asparagus boasts anti-inflammatory nutrients and vitamins A, B and C. It's fabulous...
This Frito corn salad is always requested by friends and family! Super easy and great alongside just about any main course. Quick tip: wait on adding Fritos...
In Baltimore, Maryland, Beverly Sprague dresses up this milk soup with a colorful selection of savory garnishes. A topping of crunchy almonds contrasts...
I created this recipe on a bad weather day. My husband, Mic, and my daughter, Liz, ask for this soup constantly. Whenever I send it with my daughter for...
These sandwiches have been the go-to meal for my son's basketball team. Turkey is a wonderful change from ground beef and really absorbs all the flavors....
Easy gazpacho recipe with fresh ripe tomatoes and vegetables, garlic, vinegar and extra virgin olive oil. A pinch of cumin and a garnish of fresh herbs...
What a treat to come home from work and have this savory soup ready to eat. It's a nice traditional beef soup with old-fashioned goodness. We pair it with...
To avoid turning my oven on in the summer, I grill just about everything-including this creamy potato salad. My friends have dubbed this 'The Best Potato...