A wonderful salad with a multitude of flavours and textures. If you don't care for currants, raisins or dried apricots work equally well. I use half currants...
Reflecting the cuisines of Israel and the surrounding Mediterranean Middle Eastern countries, this meatless stew is seasoned with mint and lemon. Serve...
This is a super-easy, flavourful, and delicious recipe that can be served warm, cold, or room temperature. It's from Madhur Jaffrey's "Indian Cooking"....
Think of dal as similar in use to gravy-in other words, not a side dish or its own course. It is eaten on rice or with flatbreads, or with dry curries,...
This recipe was featured in this months Family Circle. I have eliminated the sausage called for in the original recipe to make this a great, easy vegan...
This soup is pretty easy to make, most of the cook time is simmering on the stove top. It sure hits the spot on those cold winter nights, although I enjoy...
Another delectable entry for the Zaar World Tour from the enticing World Vegetarian Cookbook by Madhur Jaffrey. This is simple enough to prepare midweek...
This is the ultimate "nothing in the house to eat" dinner that just happens to be vegetarian and extremely nourishing. If you have homemade chicken or...
This thick soup is a wonderful comfort food. It's easy to make, delicious and healthy! I know the spices sound strange, but the end result is an excellent...
I found this recipe in A cookbook from the library ( The Healing Foods Cookbook from Prevention Magazine Editors) I am always looking for meatless meals...
Found this in our local newspaper years ago. It is said to be the clone of the Restaurant Cucina Cucina. A family favorite. I make it with spicy bulk Italian...
An easy, tasty recipe to serve with fresh salad... great for vege burgers too (especially with my Charged-Up Chilli as sauce! :) This is from the Australian...
This is one of my favorite lentil dishes. It is hearty and flavorful and makes an excellent vegetarian main dish. You could make it a vegan dish by using...
Taken from Charmaine Solomon (she has the most fantastic Asian recipes) this is easy, healthy, comfort food. Great with rice, Indian breads or on its own....
I came by this recipe by way of the February 2005 Zaar recipe adoption and decided to adopt it because it sounded just like a soup my father used to bring...
This comes from my favorite cookbook, Vegetarian cooking for everyone by Deborah Maddison. I LOVE this soup. It is earthy & so satisfying. I make it at...
There are as many recipes for harira as there are people who eat it though there are essentials. The beans and lentils, cilantro (fresh leaf), tomato and...
After eating stodgy comfort food I'm craving lighter and healthier meals. Soup is the perfect choice, easy after work meals packed with veg and pulses...
This is a wonderful, easy to prepare lentil dish that I received from a friend. She had attended a potluck where she sampled this Kenyan dish that her...
Don't let the word "Simple" fool you; it's a fairly easy recipe to make, but results in the loveliest of flavor complexities. The mashed garlic, cloves...
Nabbed this from a Whole Foods recipe. Very good especially with the chamoula (separate recipe). This is very chunky, if you want a thin soup add more...
This is another yellow split pea soup that I found on the internet. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm posting it for ZWT2. If someone converts this to a...
A delicious lentil soup that has an Italian flavor. Very simple to make, and a delicious meal with just some good quality French bread or some good rolls...