This is the simplest way to make a large batch of meatballs that you can turn into a variety of dinners, from pasta to soup to sandwiches. Stash them in...
In France, this soup would be prepared with a baking pumpkin. A mixture of butternut and acorn squashes mimics the French pumpkin's exceptional taste and...
The dairy-free secret to this easy fudge's creaminess? Avocado. The key to a firmly set but fudgy texture is using bittersweet chocolate with minimum 60%...
The bracing blend of peppermint enrobed in bittersweet chocolate is one of the best-and most refreshing-candy combinations going, and homemade versions...
We love lemon, artichokes, and olives, so this dish just makes sense to us. We almost always leave the skin on our chicken thighs so we can render out...
Want cookies in a flash? These butterscotch "buttons" come together fast and don't require an oven, which means you can have a treat any time you want...
Puréeing beet greens into pesto and tossing asparagus ribbons into fettuccine is a great way to incorporate healthy vegetables into pasta. A poached egg...
And how. Cooked eggy custards have their place in the ice cream firmament, but in this instance there is nothing that stands in the way of the juicy, ripe...
You can serve this warmly spiced, slow-cooked pork in its entirety for a crowd, or treat it as a "nextover" and turn the extra servings into a brand-new...
Wish you were here in Philadelphia, eating a cheese steak. No doubt about it, cheese steak is the quintessential Philly food. Too bad it can pack more...
Pretty much everyone loves a tender, beefy plate of short ribs. We made them even more irresistible with subtle five-spice powder and a bright root-vegetable...