Take fried fish, break it up, and douse it with lime juice, Worcestershire sauce, chiles, and cilantro, and you have an incredible jumble of textures and...
A soft chewy bread roll about the size of a golf ball infused with cheesy flavor, pão de queijo is Brazil's favorite savory snack and an excellent recipe...
I realize that this seems almost too simple to mention, but it is such a perfect dish, and a good solution to a high-summer extravagance of zucchini and...
Pumpkin pie was introduced to the holiday table at the Pilgrim's second Thanksgiving in 1623. Decorate this American classic with some whipped cream, or...
The food processor is your friend when making these salmon burgers, but the key is to make sure the salmon isn't too smooth when processing so the patties...
What could be more American than candy corn? Try maple pecan popcorn treats, for starters. They're made with three ingredients-maple syrup, pecans, and...
My homemade grahams are buttery and crisp, with an incredible depth of flavor thanks to earthy whole wheat flour and the mellow maltiness of golden syrup-a...
Cornmeal gives these crisp rounds a sandy texture that makes them an ideal cookie for ice cream sandwiches. They're also delicious all by themselves,...