This unusual combination of common ingredients is fabulous! Everyone who tastes it asks me to share the recipe. You will love it and the many compliments...
Cod fillets are one of our favorites; covered with Panko crumbs and baked gives them a crunch topping and tender, flaky fish inside. I serve this with...
Red lentils, faster-cooking than other varieties of the legume, are the foundation of this earthy, rustic soup. Light but satisfying, it's a wonderful...
This recipe can be prepared in 45 minutes or less. Some people favor sauteed collard greens boiled until they are meltingly tender, while others prefer...
We make this pasta dough and it turns out perfectly every time. We use the food processor for the dough and a manual crank pasta machine for the noodles....
This is a really TASTY Fried Clam recipe. Try it and see for yourself... It's a WINNER! You can also use this same recipe for scallops, oysters, and any...
Easy to make with staple ingredients, these scones are wonderful for breakfast or with a nice cup of hot tea or coffee. The recipe came from a cookbook...
So easy and so good. I use frozen chicken breasts and cook on high for 4 hours in the slow cooker. The sauce is not thick, it is a bit runny, but very...
This is, by far, one of the best Salmon recipes I have. Don't let the 10 garlic cloves scare you off, with cooking they become quite mellow. This is my...
I like store bought cinnamon raisin bread for breakfast, so I started making this to save some dough. Get it, dough? Hahaha...heh. 1.5 lb loaf, from my...
Chinese cooks don't use a lot of raw vegetables, but instead prefer to stir-fry or braise them. There are a few exceptions, however, and in Hong Kong cooks...
This soup is proof that less is more.Delicious hot, it's even better cold, so plan to make it the day before you need it. Serve it in well chilled bowls...