Gently baking salmon in a low-temperature oven ensures a moist and succulent fillet and only takes about 15 minutes. The asparagus cooks on the same baking...
This speedy, savory meal pairs well with a workout. Quinoa is an unexpected source of energizing iron and amino acids, protein's building blocks, to nourish...
This recipe from Cooking Light magazine is a super easy dish - especially if you purchase cleaned shrimp! My husband likes LOTS of olive oil, so I actually...
"I literally didn't know how to boil an egg until I was in my 20's - when I tried to impress a guy by making dinner for him," writes Sally Siegel of Pittsburgh,...
This warming vegetarian one-pot stew comes together fast, thanks to quick-cooking split lentils and pearled couscous, along with protein-packed canned...
This is an easy straight forward recipe for making semolina pasta. You can mix the dough by hand or in a stand mixer. You can use a traditional pasta press...
You can add in some cayenne pepper and garlic powder to the dumplings also if desired, these will really expand when cooking so use only a teaspoonful...
An easy Roasted Beet Salad recipe. The delicate beet greens; which are an excellent source of potassium, folic acid, and magnesium - make this dish even...
Yogurt gets used in two ways in this simple dinner party-worthy chicken dish: as a tenderizing marinade and mixed with the pan juices to create a rich...
This is an heirloom recipe made by many members of my family. It can be made ahead of the holidays and the balls frozen. One less job at the end. We always...
This is called War Cake because it was made in Canada during WW2 and was shipped out to the troops serving overseas. My grandmother used to make this cake...
Easy and delicious. You may want to double the sauce. Feel free to use any vegetable combination you want. Original recipe from recipegoldmine with some...
These cold Vietnamese-style noodles are perfect for a warm night. The rice stick noodles, fish sauce, and chili-garlic sauce can be found in the Asian...