This dairy-free cheesecake has a chocolatey rich mousse-like texture that is absolutely amazing. It's the perfect recipe to have up your sleeve for any...
WARNING: This French toast is wickedly indulgent. Enjoy it for breakfast on special occasions, although it's probably better suited to a decadent dessert....
This double-chocolate brownie with crunchy pecans and ice cream is perfect for dinner parties, family gatherings, or any time a hungry crowd wants something...
Appalachian apple stack cake is communal cooking at its finest. Originally, each layer was baked at home by individual cooks, likely in cast-iron skillets,...
I like this one because it's a one-pan dish-you will need a pan with a lid. You can use a can of tomatoes instead of making the purée if you wish, but...
These dangerously addictive little bites fueled countless 1950s and '60s bridge parties from Greenwood Mississippi, to Greenville, South Carolina, before...
My fried rice axiom is this: always use a little more ginger than seems appropriate. This is especially true with this fried rice version, enriched with...
This is a spin on a recipe I created for my cooking show, Patricia Heaton Parties. I love the combination of hot, juicy shrimp with a crispy coating and...
This is a tasty dish. Between the kale, the rice, and the squash, it's chock-full of fiber, antioxidants, and minerals. And the nutty, salty Pecorino Romano...
This recipe calls for a whole leg of ham, with the bone in, that has been pre-cured and pre-cooked. If you can't buy a pre-cooked ham, ask your local butcher...
You've heard it said that the best spaghetti sauces are simmered all afternoon. If that's true, why not let the slow cooker do the cooking for you? This...
Meet my version of an energy bar. About 30 minutes before a workout, I'll grab one of these scones, plus some coffee and a gulp of kefir; the whole wheat...
Coming up with a scrumptious, satisfying vegetarian main dish for the holidays can be tricky. Search no more! This stuffed squash is loaded with classic...
These are a very delicate take on a classic English sandwich cookie, and quite fragile too, which is why you need the piping bag. They are pure edible...
This subtly flavored salad really celebrates the chickpea, which is an excellent source of fiber, protein and iron, and perfect for keeping us going on...
These nachos lend themselves to customization and are an excellent place to use up little bits of leftovers (extra black beans, crumbled sausage or bacon,...
This is a fine Christmas Day vegetarian dish, a serious centerpiece packed with rich flavor. The recipe may look a bit epic upon first glance, but the...
I love crunchy fennel and peppery arugula dressed with a slightly sweet dressing made from Meyer lemons-a fresh-tasting pick-me-up. Meyer lemons are only...
These pork chops are a fantastic way to take advantage of fall flavors. If you don't have pumpkin pie spice, you can substitute 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon,...
Shanghainese enjoy rice balls in both sweet and savory preparations. I love both, so I included them here. All Shanghainese buns and pastries have simple...