This one is a salad that has a great combination of sweet and sour. It is great with chicken or any simple entree. I am always trying to make up new, crazy,...
Hale and hearty, this kale salad is a powerhouse of nutrients that is very easy to eat! The salad bursts with the flavor of mandarin oranges, sweet and...
Strawberries and spinach are delicious in the Spring, and tossed with other fresh ingredients, real bacon, and hard cooked eggs, they make a wonderful...
A friend and I went to a very elite restaurant and ordered this off the menu. We loved it and asked for the recipe. It was a delicious surprise!!! Can't...
Prep these salads once and eat for the week! Make sure to firmly pack the spinach into each jar and they will stay fresh all week. Use extra spinach if...
My partner and I invented this recipe by accident one afternoon, when we thought there was 'no food left'! Don't underestimate the Spam™ - although it's...
This salad is intended to take advantage of fresh summer ingredients. The firm, buttery texture of the avocado goes brilliantly with the juicy softness...
The classic flavor combo of figs and Gorgonzola cheese comes together in a delicious couscous salad. Make sure to use a good quality balsamic vinegar,...
When it's too hot or when I don't feel like cooking, I'll make this quick healthy bowl. Sometimes I just eat it as a salad without rice and sometimes I...
Watch your back, Caesar! This salad could be the next national favorite and was inspired by a salad I had at a seafood restaurant in Healdsburg, CA. With...
I first made this salad for my family's Thanksgiving dinner several years ago as a starter, and it was a big hit. This recipe was inspired after I had...
This salad has all the food groups represented (bell peppers are actually a type of fruit) and would be an adorable addition to an Easter brunch. Garnish...
This is a delicious and tasty salad served with warm chicken and bacon, tossed in a mayonnaise dressing, and topped with semi-soft boiled eggs and cheese....
I love this as a substitute for a salad and it keeps great. I don't normally put carrot but it really makes it look better and gives it some texture. I...
If you slice kale thin and toss it with other tasty treats like apple, persimmon, orange, and nuts, the kale mellows out and serves as a perfect foil for...
This is a salad recipe my 6-year-old daughter Barbara came up with. It's actually delicious! The pineapple juice is tastier than any salad dressing you...
A delicious, easy, and healthy take on the Greek favorite and, most importantly, a recipe for fresh kale that doesn't involve soup! Za'atar can be substituted...
This brilliant salad is easy to prepare, delicious, healthy and goes with anything. Traditionally French, perfect anytime of the year. This recipe is also...
I devised this salad on my's not only relatively low in fat but great in taste too! If sweet and sour sauce is unavailable, plum sauce can be...