I discovered Quark at a farmers market and instantly fell in love, but it's been difficult to find in stores. This recipe is a fine replacement for more...
I started with Mom's recipe and modified it over the 25 years of my marriage. Also I learned a method of rolling the "pigs" from one of Martha Stewart's...
Currywurst is a popular 'fast food' in Berlin, Germany. It is quick and simple and everyone loves it! If you're in a hurry, you can substitute ketchup...
This is a simple recipe that tastes as wonderful and authentic as the dessert you would get in a German restaurant. I prefer to use strawberries, but anything...
If you have ever been to the Bavarian inn in Frankenmuth MI this what they use on top of their hot buttered noodles (crushed Ritz buttery crackers). I...
An old family recipe from St. John Lutheran Church member, Lillie Kauitzsch, Bartlett, Texas. A much better taste than store bought. I also remember my...
This was a family favorite when we were stationed in Germany with the Air Force. They are delicious with potato salad, a baguette, or crusty rolls. Hope...
This recipe is over 150 years old and has been baked by my family for many generations for Christmas. They are much easier to make than other lebkuchen...
These German almond cookies are dairy free and gluten free and are baked during Advent in preparation for Christmas. They are quick and easy to make with...
A family slow cooker favorite that's easy to put together. The beer enhances the flavor of the sauerkraut and pork. There is no need to brown the pork...
This recipe is from an area in France that is at the border of Germany and used to belong to Germany. The dish is popular in both countries and there are...
This is a delicious traditional German dessert-type dish that your kids will love! It's a sweet pudding served with anything from applesauce to ground...
A sweet and tangy, affordable and easy recipe. Simple and loaded with veggies. Does not have an overpowering flavor, kid approved. Browning pork chops...
These traditional bread dumplings from Austria and Bavaria make a wonderful accompaniment to a rich gravy, goulash or stew. Just like my Oma made. Enjoy!...
To make sure the greens are wilted before eating(covering the greens with a hot dressing only partially accomplishes this), drop them into a pot of boiling...
This borscht was discribed as "a soup by many names" in the Mennonite Foods and Folkways from South Russia" by Norma Jost Voth. Reading the recipes in...
Zwetschgendatschi is a classic German plum sheet cake from Bavaria - a short crust pastry, topped with Italian plums. It is traditionally served with vanilla...
A north German specialty, Gruenkohl (kale) and sausage was something with which my mother-in-law warmed our hearts and tummies in the winter. The north...
This is a traditional German recipe from the Bavarian region. You may substitute the beef liver with lamb or pork liver since the recipe I found says those...
These fried potato dumplings, called Schupfnudeln in German, are irresistible. The potatoes should be cooked the day before, as then the dumplings are...
Boneless chicken breasts cooked over sauerkraut and covered in BBQ sauce. This sounds a little different, but I assure you, it is delicious! It is one...
After reviewing several other bratwurst and sauerkraut recipes, I found that none of them fit what I wanted, so I made this up, and it was delicious. Perhaps...
Posting this for ZWT - it's from an old German cookbook. I look forward to trying this with beets fresh from the garden. You can use fresh horseradish...
A fresh apple cake with nuts and raisins that, after baking, but still hot, has a cooked caramel-like topping poured over it. If using a glass baking dish,...
This is the plum cake or tart that my Grossmutter made. It is delicious, and any fruit can be substituted for the plums. Therefore it is a seasonally great!...
My husband being Volga Deutsch, always talked about some of what he called Depression Meals while living home as a boy. Being from Northern Germany, I...