Pears poached in a maple caramel sauce then baked with a traditional puff pastry crust, a simple yet elegant dessert. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream...
Would you like a slice of a delicate and elegant dessert? Let me offer you an Italian-style crostata filled with two layers of heavenly, tender, lemony...
These are great for family gatherings or parties. All the sweet goodness of strawberry shortcake, but convenient small and individual servings for your...
This recipe features the unusual and exotic Chinese five-spice powder. Peaches are a natural pairing for the aromatic blend of anise, ginger, cinnamon,...
This simple yet delicious recipe is certain to please anyone with a sweet tooth. You can use either puff pastry sheets or shells for this recipe. If you...
An apple and walnut custard tart. Use apples with color, like Jazz™ or Pink Lady®. Evenly slicing the apples helps with the overall look and presentation....
This easy peasant-style recipe is a wonderful and flavorful peach dessert to serve as an ending to your fabulous Italian meal. Dust with powdered sugar...
I enjoy finding other uses for ingredients in my kitchen. Needing a fresh dessert for my family one night, I came up with this gem. Feel free to add to...
Light and refreshing pineapple tart with a shortbread crust. This was my childhood favorite (almost 60 years ago)! Everyone loves this dessert! Serve with...
My grandmother used to keep bees, and all of us tried to come up with new ways to use honey. This recipe is my contribution to the effort. I've been making...
Have a surplus of blackberries? Why not make them into a delicious and beautiful tart? Make sure to adjust the amount of sugar in the filling according...
Traditional Canadian butter tarts with a delicious twist - dried cherries replace the standard raisins, and the optional melted toffee bits provide a sweet,...
Just like a seasonal fruit pie--wonderful for people who have trouble making the perfect crust. My favorite is blackberries with peaches, but you can use...
I don't have a real sweet tooth so I wanted to make a dessert that wasn't too decadent. We love these tarts because they're just enough sweet with that...
This is one of my fall favorite quick recipes to use those lovely little red apples my backyard tree provides! It's beautiful but also tasty - a great...
I ordered some silicone molds thinking they were going to be the size of big peanut butter cups, but I opened the package to find mini tart-size pans....
Fresh, unsweetened blueberries and a sweet ricotta cream top a gluten-free shortbread crust for a delicious dessert or brunch treat. This shortbread recipe...
Buttery shortbread with a hint of thyme, topped with a sweet mascarpone cream and a beautiful blackberry swirl. You'll be sure to impress your guests with...
Due to the limited availability of key lime here in Malaysia, I've decided to substitute this main ingredient with calamansi, which are locally grown and...
This big dessert was made for a big picnic in Tieton, Washington from locally grown fresh apricots. Tart apricots and lightly-sweetened custard with a...
Why am I calling this a cherry folditup, and not a cherry galette, its correct culinary name? Because one sounds like something that's easy to make, and...
Spring is finally upon us and what better way to celebrate with a little sweet that looks like it was freshly plucked from the garden. Here a jeweled toned...
Fancy dessert for special occasions. Even though this is a fancy dessert, it is fairly easy to make. It gets a lot of praise at parties. You can serve...
A good friend, Mrs Welch, gave me this recipe in the mid 1970's. It's fail-proof, it's delicious, and it's quick-and-easy using ingredients I usually have...
This is a variation on a puff pastry tart recipe: the marzipan adds a sweet extra layer to this dessert. Autumn is the time to try it out when the apples...
Sweet, savory, tangy - this dessert is a balance of fall flavor and winter comfort. It is easily converted to a vegan dessert by omitting the egg white...
I'm not sure if you can qualify this as a tart or pie, but fresh mango and blackberries and minimal amounts of sugar make for a delicious summer dessert...