I've been making this recipe for years, and it is one of my family's most requested meals. Serve with brown and wild rice or rice pilaf along with Italian-cut...
Moist, delicious, almost fool-proof salmon. This salmon is wrapped in parchment paper and steamed in the oven. No fishy taste in your mouth, no fishy smell...
This classic French method of cooking fish is actually super easy and fast, and every time I make it the reviews are outstanding from children and adults...
I love pan-searing because it gives the filet mignon steaks that beautiful color and crust on the outside and leaves them so tender inside! And because...
I love pan-searing because it gives the filet mignon steaks that beautiful color and crust on the outside and leaves them so tender inside! And because...
I love pan-searing because it gives the filet mignon steaks that beautiful color and crust on the outside and leaves them so tender inside! And because...
This is an amazing recipe I made up to make something fancier from good ol' pork chops. This is a rich recipe. To add another twist, add fresh chopped...
This is really yummy - not overpoweringly mustardy! And, after all, any recipe that begins with white wine has to be good! It's not oily or buttery or...
This is really yummy - not overpoweringly mustardy! And, after all, any recipe that begins with white wine has to be good! It's not oily or buttery or...
Calvados is an apple brandy that is made only in the Normandy region of France. This simple but elegant dish can be made with Apple Jack or any apple brandy...
Moist, delicious, almost fool-proof salmon. This salmon is wrapped in parchment paper and steamed in the oven. No fishy taste in your mouth, no fishy smell...
A creamy mushroom chicken bake, with the delicate flavors of sour cream, sherry and paprika. As tender and flavorful as Paris in the Spring. Well, almost....
My wife and I had this entree in Paris, France. It was so good that we had to order another one. The French people sure know how to cook. It is like a...
My wife and I had this entree in Paris, France. It was so good that we had to order another one. The French people sure know how to cook. It is like a...
I love the blend of herbes de Provence, honey, lemon, and lavender. The acidity of the lemon perfectly balances the sweetness of the honey. This dish is...
These elegant packets look complicated, yet are quite simple to prepare. A seasoned salmon fillet is placed onto asparagus spears and wrapped in parchment...
If you're looking to ice the top of a French Apple Pie, you've found the right place! This is wonderfully buttery white icing that adds to the flavor of...
Love making this dish! It's super easy and looks fancy when it's done. I always seem to have open red wine on hand and making this is a great way to use...
I found this savory loaf recipe in the Alsace region of France. It is wonderfully moist, and because of the density of the veggie mixture, it doesn't rise...
I was looking around for a name for this unusual clafoutis-like combination of peaches, blackberries, thyme, and black pepper. I saw an article that said...
If you're looking to ice the top of a French Apple Pie, you've found the right place! This is wonderfully buttery white icing that adds to the flavor of...
I learned this recipe from some friends from the Island of Reunion. It is always a hit with friends, and it's delicious. It is at its best when it has...
A simple recipe for mussels typical mussel recipe from the Breton coast in France. Creme fraiche is available in many supermarkets, but if you cannot find...
I found this savory loaf recipe in the Alsace region of France. It is wonderfully moist, and because of the density of the veggie mixture, it doesn't rise...
I found this savory loaf recipe in the Alsace region of France. It is wonderfully moist, and because of the density of the veggie mixture, it doesn't rise...
Fresh tomatoes, herbs, and a touch of wine combine to make a light yet distinctive sauce for sauteed sea scallops with tiny shrimp. This quick-to-prepare...
Fresh tomatoes, herbs, and a touch of wine combine to make a light yet distinctive sauce for sauteed sea scallops with tiny shrimp. This quick-to-prepare...
Fresh tomatoes, herbs, and a touch of wine combine to make a light yet distinctive sauce for sauteed sea scallops with tiny shrimp. This quick-to-prepare...
Fresh tomatoes, herbs, and a touch of wine combine to make a light yet distinctive sauce for sauteed sea scallops with tiny shrimp. This quick-to-prepare...
Fresh tomatoes, herbs, and a touch of wine combine to make a light yet distinctive sauce for sauteed sea scallops with tiny shrimp. This quick-to-prepare...
They say Auguste Escoffier created this dish in honor of the opera, La Belle Helene, but we chefs know the real reason. How else are you going to use up...
I was looking around for a name for this unusual clafoutis-like combination of peaches, blackberries, thyme, and black pepper. I saw an article that said...
Far Breton is a prune flan recipe from the northwest of France (Bretagne or Brittany). You serve it in the oven dish. Its very easy to make. It is possible...
I found this savory loaf recipe in the Alsace region of France. It is wonderfully moist, and because of the density of the veggie mixture, it doesn't rise...
I found this savory loaf recipe in the Alsace region of France. It is wonderfully moist, and because of the density of the veggie mixture, it doesn't rise...
I found this savory loaf recipe in the Alsace region of France. It is wonderfully moist, and because of the density of the veggie mixture, it doesn't rise...