This is one of our favorite ways to prepare trout. Excellent paired with rice pilaf, side salad, and a glass of pinot grigio for an easy, light, and tasty...
No cooking involved. This recipe is for busy people looking for an easy recipe; great for fish lovers, even those a bit skeptical of sardines. This recipe...
Feel free to experiment with your favorite seafood in this classic San Franciscan fisherman's stew. And don't forget to use the toasts slathered with zippy...
This wonderful dish is truly an impression maker. It is easy to prepare and is guaranteed to get rave reviews! Great with wild and long grain rice or garlic...
Fish fillets poached in a spicy tomato sauce, an abundance of vegetables and chickpeas. This Moroccan Fish Tagine is the perfect topping for couscous and...
This is a big hit with the kids as it's easy to make and involves very little work. It can be made with or without mushrooms depending on your taste. You...
Sweet peas, pea shoots, and a sprinkle of lemon zest give this light, just-creamy-enough chowder an extra dose of freshness. While cod might be a more...
Hey, seafood lovers! This is a delicious dish for you. It includes scallops, shrimp and imitation crabmeat along with mushrooms, garlic and onions. They're...
We love Bar Harbor clam juice, which has no salt added and a gentle, briny flavor. It's a good stand-in for when you don't want to bother making fish stock...
I got this recipe from my coworker - loved it and then made it for my boyfriend. Now he loves it and I make it at least twice a month. You can eat this...