Mussels and linguine in a spicy tomato broth are very flavorful. To provide the correct ambiance, serve by candlelight with a crusty French bread and a...
Cavatelli is a typical Southern Italian pasta made out of just durum wheat semolina flour and water. The starch contained in the durum gives this pasta...
Light, yet full of flavor, this pesto is perfect tossed with hot spaghetti for a quick dinner. It is also excellent as a pizza sauce or smeared on hot...
This is a recipe that I got from my mother-in-law. She doesn't measure, so it took me a while to get it close. The gravy is close to the one they use in...
A delicious pasta and chicken dish with garlic, sun-dried tomatoes and fresh basil. Use the dry packaged sun-dried tomatoes instead of the tomatoes packed...
This meal is great for a quick dinner after work. Veal comes out of oven moist and delicious! I paired with baked yams and broccoli. All ingredients are...
This is really yummy - not overpoweringly mustardy! And, after all, any recipe that begins with white wine has to be good! It's not oily or buttery or...
Seasoned bits of pork or lamb are allowed to season in a Mediterranean marinade for as long as you can stand it! Wonderful with rice and a cucumber and...
My boyfriend and I love chicken lasagna with spinach. I never could find the "one" recipe that I really liked. I have a habit of gathering 3 or 4 different...
Chicken breasts with a Dijon mustard/white wine sauce, coated with bread crumbs and baked to perfection - with the skins on! The French flair and flavors...
This is my version of Herbs de Provence after looking at many different recipes. This goes great in salads, fish, chicken, beef and pork. The fragrance...
Don't let the idea of homemade ravioli scare you. It's way easier than it sounds when using wonton wrappers, and it's so worth the end result!! These can...
This potato salad was one of my Nonna's (grandmother) most-loved recipes. Our whole family (and it's big!) loves it and we always think of her when we...
Flour, eggs, salt: that's all you need to make fresh pasta at home. This is the simplest and most authentic Italian recipe you'll find to make homemade...
The bechamel adds a little something special to this wonderful lasagna. I like to use part skim ricotta and mozzarella and low-fat milk to cut some of...
Both of my parents are Norwegian. Growing up, my mom used to make these meatballs. Later in life, my dad took over the meal prep, and he became a great...
These meat-and-cabbage-mixture filled sweet rolls make a great main dish, and are also great as a snack. They reheat well, so leftovers are also great!...
Traditional Italian-American bakery-style butter cookies that will make you feel like you bought them from your favorite local bakery in New York! Fill...
Delicious in the spring, cut rapini before it flowers for tender greenery. Absolutely delicious and very easily adaptable for whatever's growing in your...
This is a great recipe for anyone who loves bell peppers! My dad always made this for me when I was growing up... now I make it for my own family and get...
This is the "traditional method" based on a recipe by Michele Anna Jordan from her book, Polenta. She says, "This is the classic and most common technique...
This dish has a nice flavor and is fairly easy to make. Ham, asparagus spears, mozzarella and a wonderful garlic and thyme white sauce make this lasagna...
This recipe is perfect if you have extra zucchini from the garden and/or you are looking for a great lasagna while on the South Beach or Atkins diets....
This is the traditional recipe for a Victoria sponge cake, a much loved English favorite. Serve with buttercream as in the recipe, or freshly whipped cream....
This is my granddaughter's most requested meal when she comes to visit. It's a meal in itself, but a salad would go nice with it. Have fun experimenting...
We have made these very traditional German cookies every year since I was a child. My mother remembers her grandmother making them with this recipe that...
I believe another name for Windmill Cookies is Speculaas. The spices "speculaaskruiden" make this cookie so distinctive and were imported centuries ago...
This is a German recipe from my Grandmother. It's cabbage that is lightly browned in butter and mixed with egg noodles and browned lightly for a wonderful,...
I got this recipe from my grandmother who got it from her grandmother. She had to translate it and then figure out measurements. The original recipe called...
I love zucchini boats, and I'm always looking for new ways to experience them. This is a very hearty dish with ground beef, and my family loves it! This...
This dessert recipe came from a friend from England, Gill Overfelt. She is one of the best people in the world (an angel in disguise!). It is delicious...
"Polpette di ricotta al sugo", as these are known in Italian, are meatless balls made out of ricotta cheese and homemade bread crumbs. Think meatballs,...