My family has been using this very simple and delicious recipe for sausage, peppers, and onions for years and years now. For an extra kick, try using half...
This entree is easy and delicious! It's one of my husband's favorites! Try to use the largest chicken breasts you can find so you'll be able to roll them...
This is an Italian comfort food classic! The smell of this cooking in my kitchen transports me back to playing on the street in front of my Papa and Gigi's...
This is a recipe from a sweet old German lady I used to attend church with. Allow for plenty of time to prepare and cook this dish. It is definitely worth...
I am half Italian, was raised eating the finest Italian-American cuisine, and have filmed almost 2000 recipe videos, so when you consider all of those...
Homemade meatballs are a very easy to make, and since we skip the very messy step of pan-frying these before they hit the sauce, it becomes downright simple....
My grandmother's recipe for roasted chicken. We are German and she used to do it this way all the time. I never have had a chicken this juicy before; this...
My husband makes these easy meatballs with simple ingredients like eggs, panko bread crumbs, garlic powder, and fresh basil, and they come out flavorful...
This dish was created in the Lazio region (the area around Rome) in the middle of the 20th century, after World War Two. We don't use cream, milk, garlic,...
This is a rich, dark chocolate topping or decoration that has lots of uses. It can be whipped as filling or icing, or just poured over whatever cake you...
This traditional moussaka is truly the best, and just as authentic as any you'd try in Greece! While it takes a bit of time, it's actually quite simple...
A delicious, classic chicken dish -- lightly coated chicken breasts braised with Marsala wine and mushrooms. Easy and ideal for both a quick weeknight...
My husband says this dish is restaurant quality. It can be made ahead and kept in the refrigerator overnight. Very filling and great served with a salad...
I never knew how to make good meatballs until I found this recipe. I normally make mine with just ground beef and they still taste great. I've used the...
While many have heard of veal scallopini, you can make this Italian dish with most any meat or even vegetables. The trick is to use a demi-glace of the...
I found two slightly different hand written versions of this, my Grandmother's recipe. Born in Nekkar am Rhein in the 1904, she naturally learned to cook...
My version is pretty straightforward--a classic Italian dipping cookie. But you can add hazelnuts, pistachios, and any type of dried fruit. Or dip them...
A Greek favorite that makes everyone think you are a master chef and is sooo easy to make!! I taught a Greek friend how to make apple pie and she taught...
This smoked Polish sausage dish is great for company, but quick enough for a weeknight! It is super good and easy, and can be prepared well in advance....
Mincemeat is a traditional English treat that is usually used as filling for mince pies during Christmas, but it tastes great mixed with vanilla ice cream,...
This chicken Parmesan is done casserole style (so, no breading or frying!), but still offers up that irresistible combination of tender chicken, crunchy/cheesy...
A friend gave this recipe to me a few years back, and my family can't seem to get enough of it. It sounds strange with cream in it, but that just enhances...
This recipe makes the most tender and tasty meatballs. I also freeze these meatballs and take out how many servings I need for each meal. If cooking in...
This is a traditional Portuguese dish that brings back memories of mom. It is not only tasty but it is always a hit at parties. Plan ahead, because the...
This is a compilation of several Shortbread recipes I have from British cookbooks. I have been to England three times and REAL shortbread is a favorite....