In just over 20 minutes, you can make this easy stuffed chicken breast recipe with a tasty mixture of cheese, spinach, walnuts, sundried tomatoes and fresh...
Florida restaurants introduced the simple, delicious flavors of this Cuban favorite to the United States. If you don't have leftover roast pork, just pick...
From Betty's Soul Food Collection... Bravissimo! Italian-inspired flavors blend with fresh chicken breast and lots of cheese for a one-skillet dinner that's...
Casseroles are comfort and this Burrito Casserole is no different. Make this baked version of your favorite chicken burrito for dinner this week and your...
Whether you have a dinner party on the horizon or just need to plan out a week's worth of meals, this creamy, veggie-filled lasagna deserves a spot in...
Don't leave your snacking to chance. Follow this time-tested cheesy beef nachos recipe for a perfectly delicious result every time. By baking your nachos...
This pot roast goes from a dinner favorite to a dinner must-have thanks to the horseradish that gets spread on the outside of the roast. This classic recipe...
Hearty and creamy, this classic corn and potato soup gets extra oomph from our favorite ingredient-bacon. It only takes a few minutes to pull together,...
Enjoy this cheesy Mexican lasagna that's made with sausage, beef and beans - a hearty dinner. Use 2 cups thawed Make-Ahead Seasoned Ground Beef and Sausage...
A scratch dinner done in 40 minutes using just one pan? It's not too good to be true-but it is so very good! A classic homemade Alfredo sauce gets tossed...
Looking for new ways to get more spinach-artichoke dip into your life? Try these crispy chicken breasts served with a creamy sauce that only takes a minute...
Mujadara is a Middle Eastern lentils and rice recipe made w caramelized onions. You only need three ingredients to make this simple vegan, protein-rich...
Set sail for something new and amazing! Our better-for-you Skinny Garlic Shrimp Pasta is the perfect way to explore new flavors for the family. We've made...