This is easy and it was quite tasty. Nothing fancy, but a nice way to have a simple duck meal. The duck first cooks in it's own fat, then is baked to crisp...
An interesting way to use leftover roasted duck (if you are lucky enough to have leftovers) served as appetizers with Hot Corn Relish recipe#178036 or...
These Duck Breasts are very tender and tasty. A great choice for entertaining, with very little effort involved. Serve with egg fried rice for a really...
This is a great all-round stir-fry recipe you can try with other meats: mix and match duck, chicken, pheasant, or turkey. Also good with beef, pork, or...
Duck and rice in a savory broth, offset with the sweetness of yams and green peas. Hearty enough for a main dish. If you can get a large (6 pound) duck,...
This to me is a perfect light fall salad, A spicy salad with fall fruits and vegetables of apple and pear, pecans and roasted beets. A very simple roasted...
Im not sure if this was an actual recipe I found or one that I just substituted ingredients to make but it turned out incredible, especially for my first...
I adapted this recipe from a TV food show "Cooking Live". The original calls for a whole duck and szechuan peppercorns. If you want to use a whole duck,...
Named for the wild duck found in and around the moors and lakes of Northwest England (Derwentwater Lake). These ducks are valued for their tenderness and...
This is a recipe that I learned when I attended a cooking class at the Oriental Hotel in Thailand last year. Most Ingredients can be found in any Asian...
Bathe duck in a spiced (nutmeg, allspice) and spicy (habanero) marinade, stick it in the oven, ignore it for five hours, then serve it with fixings for...
A fun play on deconstructed duck L'orange put back in a sushi roll. Inspired by the original approaches Bravo's Top Chef pushes us to explore. Still working...
from emeril live, i made alot of duck confit and was looking for recipes to use it in, this is reallt good comfort food. i can easily get hominy here in...