Wild blueberries and a crunchy brown sugar and cinnamon topping flavour this easy cake. Enjoy it plain, or top each serving with lightly sweetened whipped...
Crunchy walnuts are caramelized in a mixture of maple syrup, brown sugar and vanilla in this delicious tart recipe. These rich tarts make a decadent dessert,...
This versatile cookie dough is easily turned into delicious treats for snacking or dessert using one of the variations below. Before starting the recipe,...
A delicious mouth-watering Spring Bread Pudding with a filling of fresh Raspberries and topped with an amazing warm Vanilla Cream Sauce. Each bite is better...
White Chocolate Raspberry Scones filled with white chocolate, studded with sweet raspberries, and drizzled with vanilla icing! Soft, light, and fluffy...
Breaking through crème brûlée's crispy caramelized top into a thick creamy custard base is pure bliss. Heavy cream gives this classic recipe its silky,...
These easy muffins are moist and tender with good banana flavour. The addition of chocolate chips makes them simply irresistible. A great treat for the...
A quick and easy cake topped with chocolate chips and walnuts. Perfect for any gathering. Serve with ice cream and drizzle with caramel topping for a rich...
This recipe makes a fabulous and moist carrot cake. Five stars all the way! I always get rave reviews whenever I serve this cake! It makes amazing cupcakes...
Simple fudgy brownies that are also flourless, vegan, refined sugar-free, and oil-free. Perfect for a healthy dessert, or for when that midday chocolate...
Though this delicious sauce is made in minutes, it should always be served chilled. This versatile dessert may be enjoyed over cake, ice cream, fresh fruit...
Chef Lynn Crawford prepares this dish on hot summer days! The sweetness of the cornbread works so well with the Ontario peaches, especially when they are...
Hard meringues are a delicious airy dessert, with many variations. It's quick to make and only requires a few ingredients. Remember, egg whites beat best...
Baked Alaska is easy to make and always an impressive dessert. Prepare before dinner with extra firm ice cream and store in the fridge, ready to be baked...
For special occasions, add food colouring and flavouring to your meringues. Fold in pink/cherry for Valentine's Day, green/mint for St. Patrick's, or top...
Crunchy walnuts are caramelized in a mixture of maple syrup, brown sugar and vanilla in this delicious tart recipe. These rich tarts make a decadent dessert,...