Prepare our Baked Parmesan and Tomato Egg Cups for brunch next weekend. Requiring just four ingredients, these simple, elegant Baked Parmesan and Tomato...
An easy Quinoa Salad with Kale recipe. We love the way Dijon mustard enhances the similarly assertive flavor of the kale, while mellow pine nuts and Parmesan...
Start your day off right with this Ham, Egg and Cheese Burrito recipe. Delight your friends at brunch with these brunch egg and cheese burritos and double...
Add a twist (of lemon juice!) to this Passover Carrot Cake Roll. Roll the luscious lemon-cream cheese filling right into the cake and dust with cinnamon....
Discover a new use for your muffin tin with this Sausage and Spinach Frittata recipe! Fresh spinach and KRAFT Shredded Hot Habanero Cheese perfectly compliment...
Allow sea salt to bring the element of surprise to this chocolate-studded pecan pie. Salted-Chocolate Pecan Pie is the best of everything a dessert should...