Here's what you need: ribeye steak, onion, garlic cloves, pear, spring onions, brown sugar, black pepper, soy sauce, sesame oil, canola oil, sesame seed,...
This easy 30-minute pasta recipe transforms ingredients that you already have in your kitchen into a posh, seafood dish you'll want to serve at your next...
It looks impressive, but this mouthwatering chicken and mushroom sauce comes together in no time. I think its flavor rivals that of many full-fat entrees...
I found this simple skillet recipe many years ago on a can label. I made some tweaks, and my family loved it. Because it's so easy to put together, it's...
Looking for an extra-special Christmas Eve entree to delight your busy crowd? My family always manages to make time for this rich shrimp dish. We enjoy...
This yummy baked spaghetti casserole will be requested again and again for potlucks and family gatherings. It's especially popular with my grandchildren,...
These moist tender chops get delicious flavor from Dijon mustard, onions and apple slices. Or try replacing the apples with pineapple rings for an appealing...
Black bean soup recipes are among my favorite because they're light and it most of the time don't contain meat. For this recipe, you could add lean beef...
Not only is this old-fashioned favorite a snap to make but it's economical, too. Carrots, celery and onion accent the subtle flavor of the split peas,...
I've decided to cook healthier for my family, and that includes having more fish at home. After looking at easy tilapia recipes I decided to try baked...
This hearty slow cooker chili can cook for up to 10 hours on low in the slow cooker. It's so good to come home to its wonderful aroma after a long day...
Making homemade pizza dough can sound like a lot of work, but it's so worth the bragging rights. The dough itself requires few ingredients and just a little...
We first sampled this chili-like taco soup recipe at a church dinner. What a warming dish for a cold day. And because it uses packaged seasonings with...
This delicious chicken and broccoli casserole recipe is a twist on chicken divan that came from an old boss. It's quick, satisfying comfort food. -Jennifer...
It may be the most famous dish to eat on St. Patrick's Day, but this Irish-American corned beef recipe is a favorite at our table all year long. This is...
I'm a seventh-generation French Canadian, and my ancestors started the tradition of serving this meat pie on Christmas Eve. One year I didn't make it,...
When I have leftover ham in the fridge, I always like to make this split pea soup. Just throw the ingredients in the slow cooker, turn it on, and dinner...
This slow cooker pot roast only takes six ingredients to make thanks to a packet of onion soup mix. It gives the roast a ton of flavor without a ton of...
A southern specialty, sometimes called breakfast shrimp, this dish tastes great for brunch or dinner, and anytime company's coming. It's down-home comfort...
This corn chowder recipe is the perfect starter, or even a meal in itself. It works in every season, so enjoy it year 'round. My family loves this potato...
There's nothing we love more than a crispy, succulent, perfectly-fried piece of fried chicken. But we also love gourmet meals. You know, the ones that...
Tarragon doesn't get enough love. Most people know it only in its dried form, and administered with a heavy hand. But a few sprigs of fresh tarragon can...
This lamb stew recipe is a delicious, nourishing and economical dish. The flavor improves if you make the stew the day before you serve it. -Margery Richmond,...
My great-grandmother started this easy meatball recipe with our family. We use ground beef and turkey for these meatballs, and the flavor's so good, you...
This rich satisfying dish, adapted from a recipe given to me by a friend, is my husband's favorite. I usually serve it on his birthday. It's loaded with...
This rich, creamy pasta dish is a snap to throw together for a weeknight meal but special enough for company. You can substitute another cheese for the...
Stop searching for a go-to meat loaf recipe. This is it! Your family will be delighted with this mixture of beef, pork and sauteed onion, with a sweet-...
We've all heard that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, so when I plan a romantic dinner, this shrimp asparagus pasta with angel hair is...
Pull out your ovenproof skillet for this juicy balsamic pork tenderloin that goes from stovetop to oven. Balsamic vinegar gives it a tangy glaze. -Lisa...
This quick, easy recipe is truly delicious. The succulent, melt-in-your-mouth seafood flavors and textures make for elegant comfort food. To make ahead,...
Mom's homemade chili recipe was the best! She knew just the right ingredients to put her 'stamp' on it. I could eat it with my eyes closed and know it...
It's hard to beat the classic Italian flavors of this hearty, comforting dish. It has a slight kick, so omit the pepper flakes if you don't want the heat....
I created this Indian-style shrimp when we were entertaining some friends, one of our favorite things to do. It works on the stovetop or the grill. -Shana...
Everyone will enjoy these fork-tender, slow cooker pork chops with a creamy, light gravy. Serve with a green vegetable, mashed potatoes and coleslaw or...
A guest at the RV park and marina my husband and I used to run gave me this flavorful brisket recipe. It's become the star of countless meal gatherings,...
I like to serve this lovely pasta, featuring scallops and shrimp, with crusty Italian bread. Sprinkled with tomato and parsley, this dish looks as mouthwatering...
I wanted to lighten up my mother-in-law's wonderful stroganoff recipe and came up with this tasty spin. In our home, we call my easy beef stroganoff "special...