This delicious, attractive, and (most importantly) super-easy puff pastry recipe can easily be made low-fat by using fat-free whipped topping and skim...
My sister-in-law brought this pretty pastry to dinner one night, and we all went back for seconds. It is truly scrumptious. -Kathryn Rogers, Suisun City,...
My family always loves it when I make this wonderful dessert. Old-fashioned strudel was too fattening and time-consuming, but this revised classic is just...
I pack these easy candied pecans in jars tied with pretty ribbon for family and friends. My granddaughter gave some to a doctor at the hospital where she...
This old-fashioned style of peanut butter fudge is not that easy to find out there. The ones I tend to run across always seem to be the soft, creamy version,...
Butter and cream cheese provide the rich taste in this deliciously dense pound cake. I always top mine with a fresh lemon glaze made of fresh lemon juice...
You don't have to spend a lot of time to serve an elegant and delicious dessert. Just mix up the batter in one bowl, bake and get ready for people to love...
As the name implies, this is a recipe that is rich and delicious. Since you can use either fresh or frozen blueberries, you can make this easy blueberry...
When my daughter was a teen, these butter pecan cookies earned her two blue ribbons from two county fairs. Then a few years ago, her own daughter took...
This old-fashioned banana cream pie recipe is full of flavor. Because it uses instant pudding, this no-bake dessert is ready in just minutes. -Perlene...
This dessert is great for parties. Its presentation is pretty, and it's even better to eat! Any combination of frozen berries may be used. Garnish with...
As a mother of three sons, sweets are a staple in my kitchen! I buy ripe fruit on sale and freeze it to make this cake. My banana cake with cream cheese...
When I go to potlucks, family gatherings or on hunting and fishing trips with my husband and son, this cake is one of my favorite desserts to bring. The...
This sweet, nutty pecan balls recipe is a tradition in our house at Christmastime, but the treats are delightful any time of the year. -Alberta McKay,...
Our family has been making these flavorful cookies for years and years. We love the sweet raisin filling hidden in each cookie. &Mdash; Barbara Noel, Junction...
Creamy Pineapple Pie is a light and refreshing dessert that's quick to make and impressive to serve. This is one of our favorite ways to complete a summer...
This comforting dessert is a wonderful way to end any meal. As a girl, I always waited eagerly for the first heavenly bite. Today, my husband likes to...
"My sister, who's a great cook, passed this recipe on to me," notes Nell Wheeler from Warrenton, Virginia. "These buttery bars are studded with cranberries,...
Folks who love the flavor of the classic cookie will enjoy that same great flavor in these chocolate chip bars. This blondie recipe can be mixed up in...
The dough for these cookies is what makes them exceptional. I always quadruple this recipe for the holidays. Most popular fillings are peach, apricot,...
This pie crust is my personal favorite and is made using a food processor, which makes cutting the butter into the flour very simple. By the way, you can...
This is a variation of the traditional Apple Crisp that I dreamed up one day when I didn't have enough apples, and there were pears in the fruit bowl,...