This recipe is very easy to make and tastes amazing. Don't use Chinese crawfish! If you can't find Louisiana crawfish, substitute with shrimp. This recipe...
I adopted this recipe found on the site. It is very similar to the one my mother always made. I added more celery, potatoes and onions to better reflect...
A hearty and creamy chowder with all of the flavors of buffalo wings! Having lived in and around Buffalo in my youth wings are a favorite of mine. This...
My DIL brought over some Tomato Basil Bisque that she bought at Safeway's Deli and we all thought it was sooo good. DIL said "Why don't we make some with...
This recipe takes me back to my childhood in the 1950's when my mother and I would take an occasional shopping trip to Indianapolis (we lived in Anderson,...
Ramps grow from South Carolina to Canada, and in many areas they're considered a spring delicacy and even a reason for celebration. The flavor is a cross...
After playing around with several recipes, I arrived at this. It leaves a bit of room for flexibility, while being satisfying, hot and hearty on a cold...
This hearty chowder will definitely warm you up on a cold day. It's creamy with a lovely smokey flavor from the ham. There's a pop of sweetness thanks...
A wonderful warm and cozy soup for crisp fall nights and cold winter days... My daughter often requests this soup...I had lost the recipe until a member...
I was inspired by Lynnda Cloutier's Cream of Poblano Soup, but didn't want to use a slow cooker, and didn't have dill,so I fiddled around and this turned...
I love soups that you just throw everything in a pot and let cook until tender......and then you puree to a marvelous creamy textured masterpiece. Parsnips...
This recipe is very simple but packs alot of flavor and is still the best potato soup I've ever eaten! A lady in my church, (Kitty) taught me this recipe...
We are a soup-eating family and this version was the result of finding asparagus on sale for 99-cents a pound and needing to use some shitake mushrooms...
Looking for an easy, flavorful soup? Stop right here! This recipe is a snap to prepare and the finished soup is fancy enough to serve to even your most...
A favorite, silken, creamy soup that became the Tea Room's trademark. This soup is so thick and creamy, great on a cold day to warm you inside. Recipe...
I needed a recipe to use up a large amount of red potatoes after a school fund raising dinner. I was able to actually sell it to the student body it was...
This has been the favorite of my children. This is great to have with hot Tortillas on a rainy or winter day or just because. My children always would...
I love clam chowder, even Campbell's out of the can. But in 1976 I was living in New England. We found this special restaurant in Ogunquit, Maine: The...
Easy and delicious, we love this Crock Pot chicken and dumplings. It's super creamy with shredded chicken throughout. Once in the slow cooker, the biscuits...
This is a recipe I got off of a TV show starring Jeff Smith. So, while I can't claim it as totally my own, it is a superb soup that is a total meal in...
We just adore the creaminess of this potato soup. Filled with potato flavor, creamy and so good. The cream cheese gives the soup a unique flavor and adds...
This rich, velvety bisque has been a centerpiece presentation for special meals. I've been making it since 1972 and cannot remember how I came up with...
This recipe has been in my family for at least 70 years.That is how old my mom is and her mom is the one who made this.It is good if you have an upset...
This is a perfect soup to warm you up on those cold winter nights. I love the creamy chunkiness of this. There were some in the Test Kitchen that thought...
This was made out of desperation for something warm and hearty to make for dinner this evening. It actually turned out delicious, and a nice hunk of French...
I've always prepared potato soup the hard way and it took forever to make - but it was darn good when it was done. HOWEVER, I found this recipe on PINTEREST...
I grew up on this. It is a major component of my "comfort food arsenal". It's NOT a heavy, thick potato soup, but it's very satisfying. This is a good...
I wanted something warm and filling--yet different--for lunch on my low-carb diet. I had one leek left in my crisper that needed to be used before it wilted,...
Mirliton is also known as Chayote squash, allegator pear, or vegetable pear. I got this recipe from my daughter-in-law's, Aunt Jill. She had fixed it as...
A wonderful warm and cozy soup for crisp fall nights and cold winter days... My daughter often requests this soup...I had lost the recipe until a member...
This is so easy, so Italian and SO good! I made this to go with paninis. Makes a great lunch, brunch or dinner! My picky husband loves it. Crockpot cooking...
A very quick and easy, hearty soup. You can't go wrong with this one! Guaraneed to warm your soul on those cold winter nights. Recipe:
Easy and good. If you have a bag of hash browns, but no potatoes on hand -- you can still make a great soup. Got this from Relish Magazine in our local...
Several Christmas' ago my parents and I went on a bus ride through the city of Dallas that was a 4-coarse (appetizer, salad, main coarse, and dessert)...