This is the absolute best Stuffed Mushroom recipe I've ever found. I've made this many times, and there are never any left no matter how many I make. My...
These delicious little morsels are to die for! Creamy cheese and crab with lemon. Doesn't get much better than that! Great as an appetizer for any social...
This is a classic seafood salad using ingredients that require little or no preparation. The hard boiled eggs can be done in advance and this can literally...
Small portions would make a very nice appetizer. This recipe is a terrific way to really stretch your crab dollar. From the Southern chapter of the United...
I made this one up, but not saying I'm the first to do that. It's sort of 3 dishes in one. My friends say this is one my best creations. It has lots of...
Take the basics & heat them up and whala. Perfection. Simple & delicious. Just throw together & bake until bubbly. Serve with your favorite crackers or...
These light and fresh bites don't require a fork and are easy to pick up and carry at a cocktail or dinner party and can be made a day or two in advance....
This recipe was shared with the Minneapolis/St. Paul Magazine by the head chef of the Palomino restaurant chain. It is delicious! It is very similar to...
I came up with this one the other week as I had bought some king crab legs from the supermarket as they had them not only on special but actually in stock....
My Aunt Kate spotted this recipe for me. I can't wait to try it! Although the recipe calls for taco shells, I'll probably use warmed soft corn tortillas...
Got this recipe from a cookbook my husband & I picked up on our honeymoon in the Keys. A few years later, stuck in snowy, land-locked IA where we live,...
This tart can be is great for a main dish with a nice green salad. Great for brunches also. The nice flaky crust with the rich filling of crab and veggies...
This recipe is out of a 1994 Bon Appetit magazine. It was given to them by a famous chef in Florida. It is still one of my favorite recipes for crab cakes...
Found this recipe in a beach house that we had rented and I copied it down! It seems like someone had given a container with the crabcakes (and the recipe...
There is no need to go to a high-end restaurant for crab legs when you can easily do them at home in your Instant Pot®. From the freezer to the table...
Enjoy one of the Old Line State's most famous specialties without leaving home. (Cooking time is approximate - it will vary with the size and thickness...
My boyfriend and I literally created this "by the seat of our pants." We just started tossing ingredients together as we went until we achieved the taste...
I combined two different recipes and tweaked here and there. I can't remember where they originally came from. The cod will taste just like lobster! It...
This recipe was in the Nov 2006 Bon Appetit magazine. I have not tried it but It sounded so good I told another member about it and she asked me to post...
I'm not saying this is perfected in the least, and the ingredients are approximates, but I threw this together for hubby's dinner and he loved it! It's...
I haven't prepared these yet but it was a recipe that caught my eye. These can be served as a main course with a nice green salad -- or would be prefect...
My mom used to take my sister and me to a little Cantonese Chinese restaurant that served these. I loved them! These days, you can't even find a Cantonese...