I know this may seem silly to post this simple recipe, but this corn is soooooo good! I make this at least once a week with a meal and my hubby only likes...
This bacon-studded 'cheese corn' is a popular bar snack in Korea, made of pure bacon-y, creamy, cheesy, corny decadence. The original recipe uses a combination...
Fritters are a pleasing side dish. The sugar can be adjusted if you like things a bit sweeter. The recipe calls for deep frying them, but I have also done...
This is a wonderful side dish that goes great with ham or pork. It's wonderful for that big crowd at Thanksgiving and Christmas, and very quick and easy...
This simple salad of fresh tomatoes and sweet corn will breathe new life into your summer picnic or backyard barbecue. Pair it with grilled burgers or...
This recipe came from my aunt who is a fabulous cook! She made this every year for Thanksgiving and I use it for any special occasion. The recipe can easily...
I love Mexican Food! This is a tasty little side dish served at restaurants such as Chi Chi's, El Torito, and Chevy's Fresh Mex. This is more like a corn...
Five Star, 1457 ratings on Food Network. NO EGGS, SIMPLE, AND DELISH!! Can't get any easier! Served at Thanksgiving and was a hit with the many cooks and...
Ripe summer corn is so delicious, so fresh, and so full of flavor, you can enjoy it raw. Filled with black beans, avocado, and raw corn marinated in bright...
This is always requested over and over again. I love it and I don't really like corn. My best friend made this once and convinced me to try it, now it's...
This is a no-nonsense recipe for corn on the cob. Perfect for when you run out of stove or grill space. I freeze the corn on the cob in plastic bags, and...
On the streets of Santa Maria, California, street vendors (think an ice cream man with a 'trash can' full of hot corn on the cob instead of ice cream)...
Deliciously moist corn baked in the oven and seasoned with garlic and herb butter. You can use just plain butter with salt and pepper if you prefer or...
I found this at the MyFoodDiary.com forums, but originally it comes from SELF magazine. The original salad used radishes, but I substitute green onions...
this is the best way we like to have corn on the cob. the corn finishes cooking in the butter and seasoning, instead of adding them afterwards. it's also...
This warming chowder is a fantastic way to use leftover turkey (and works great with rotisserie chicken, too.) Smoky bacon, earthy cumin, and mild green...
Corn already seasoned so this is very easy to take for a picnic.No need to bring butter or salt. Just keep corn on ice till ready to cook because the sugar...
This is my mom's corn pie. We grew up eating this and loving it in the heart of Amish country. It is a very hearty dish, and easy to make. Give this one...
Check out my herbed butter Recipe #66040 or Recipe #88873 to brush on the corn. Prep time includes soaking time which is done in ice water to keep the...
This is one of the most popular corn dishes during Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is not your traditional boring old corn. This recipe includes butter,...
Adapted from Southern Living. This is very different from the usual green bean casseroles out there. I prefer sweet onions such as Walla Walla or Vidalia,...
In our early married years my husband always talked about his grandmother's pickled corn but with a child's view point the only thing I could get out of...