Fregolotta in Italian means one big crumb and that is exactly what this cookie is. One giant crumb cookie with chocolate chips, almonds and dried cranberries...
These are classic tuile cookies-crisp and delicate with a delicious buttery taste. Surprise your graduate by inserting a congratulatory note or an extra...
Fun, festive, and delicious Chocolate Sugar Cookies sweeten any celebration. Elevate traditional drop-style cookies with cocoa powder, a drizzle of melted...
The owner of Bi-Rite,a farm-to-table grocery store in San Francisco, and cookbook author Sam Mogannam shares this biscotti recipe, perfect for dipping...
Classic chocolate chip recipe with Skor butter crunch toffee pressed on a sheet, baked and cut into bars. These cookie squares go great with coffee or...
Chocolate-coated peanut butter buckeyes are a Midwestern delight. Dip them all the way to make peanut butter balls. Essential for any cookie tray, this...
Spritz cookies are not only one of the most classic and traditional Christmas cookies in Germany, you can find them as a little treat with a cup of coffee...
Mexican Chocolate Crinkles are a spicy twist to an all-time favorite cookie. ----------------- **The cookie dough needs to be made at least 4 hours before...