I came up with this scrumptious recipe one day, just trying to find a way to use the bag of coconut flakes sitting in the cupboard. It was just a cross...
At Shubox Cafe, this dessert is known as Awesome Coconut Cake, aptly named by one of the cafe's best customers. To make this recipe, you'll need to buy...
Gooey-bouncy on the inside and crispy-chewy on the outside, mochi cake is a texture we just can't get enough of. Made from glutinous sweet rice flour,...
This recipe calls for medium curry powder, but it's flexible. If the one you have is mild or very spicy, adjust the heat level with more, or less, red...
Created in San Juan, Puerto Rico, in the 1950s, this is a longstanding classic. While it can be made with a variety of rums-dark, aged, spiced, white,...
The killer combination of coconut, almonds, and milk chocolate makes for a delectable candy bar. One of the most iconic of American candies, the Almond...
Smothered pork chops may be an iconic soul food specialty, but this recipe proves you can smother anything. All it really means is coating slow-cooked...
This bar has the two crusts as requested, and has a strong tangy lemon taste, so much better than most of the lemon bar recipes out there due to the lemon...
This super-easy recipe is a perfect canvas for punchy, crunchy toppers like toasted coconut and mustard seeds with turmeric oil and a zingy chutney. The...
Fresh and bright, with the pure flavors of sweet corn and lime juice, this creamy vegan soup is exactly what you want for a light meal on a late summer...
A combination of nut butter, dried fruit, and lots of seeds makes these chewy homemade granola bars downright irresistible. For a crispier bar, toast them...
The term bibingka usually refers to a certain variety of sweet Filipino cakes made from rice flour, though cassava (yuca) root can also be used to make...
Meet your new favorite, cold-weather one-pan salmon dinner. It's warm and creamy with coconut milk and just spicy enough with green curry paste, ginger,...
When it comes to dessert, I am a chocoholic first and fruit-pie lover second; but after several test batches to perfect this cake, I am completely won...
Chicken Curry Soup recipe with Coconut and Lime. Here, lime juice replaces the traditional lemongrass, which can be hard to find. The result is a quick,...
This Thai-inspired green curry is ready in just 20 minutes with a little help from a store-bought rotisserie chicken. That may be even faster than any...