I make my salmon this way very often in my convection oven, the mayonnaise coating will seal in flavor and moistness creating the most flavorful moist...
The most perfect sticky glaze is slathered all over this juicy, tender Brown Sugar Mustard Glazed Ham, with crisp edges and an incredible flavour. Don't...
This roasted potatoes recipe calls for just a handful of rosemary sprigs mingled with garlic to cast a spell over these potatoes, an ideal winter night...
This recipe creates a light, tender cranberry cupcake--with just a hint of orange--that is then topped with a creamy, buttery white chocolate frosting....
Chef Kris Wessel of Florida Cookery in Miami Beach, Florida, shared this recipe as part of a Palm Tree Christmas menu he created exclusively for Epicurious....
A standing rib roast combines deep beefiness with marvelous tenderness and, naturally, has a price tag to match. But don't be intimidated. It's still a...
This recipe is from Eben Freeman, bartender of Tailor Restaurant in New York City. The drink tastes best when served very cold, so Freeman recommends making...
We've made this delectable and super simple salmon dip even easier by using smoked salmon in place of the more classic poached fish. A combination of whipped...
Just like the steakhouse-style prime roast your grandparents served at Christmas, but better, because it's made using the reverse-sear method for a super-tender,...
The bracing blend of peppermint enrobed in bittersweet chocolate is one of the best-and most refreshing-candy combinations going, and homemade versions...